quietbird wrote:
Tollorin wrote:
[quote="wavefreak58"He's not a savant either, math savants can't learn calculus, it's too abstract for such "computer-like" capacity.
This is not true.
Being a math savant isn't about computation. Sure, there are people who can effortlessly do large computations in their heads but that isn't really what mathematics is about.
Math is about beauty, interconnectedness, truth, purity, simplicity, reason. It requires a lot of creativity to do well.
More people need to know what math is because most have been only exposed to crappy rote memorization of static formulas with no real explanation or understanding.
I agree with you about mathematics, but math savants are those ones who make large computations in their heads without even having to train. This kid is a math prodigy rather that a savant, and so able to do highly abstract and complex math and explore the depth of mathematics.
[quote="jmnixon95"]Watched some videos of him.
This kid can be incredibly annoying...
a) His intelligent quotient is 170 because of his age; all it says is that compared to the average twelve-year-old, he is incredibly intelligent. The number will go down on...ce he is the age Einstein was when he became a prominent scientist.
b) Einstein never took an IQ test, let alone an online one; therefore, the title is nothing less than deceptive.
c) He hasn't even gone through puberty yet. His mind is not completely developed, which makes his childish bashing of post-pubescent (and world-renowned) scientists sound even more imbecilic. ("And this video will be titled: 'Stephen Hawking, you're going down!' Why don't you believe in God?")
d) His parents obviously don't know what putting a kid into university before he/she even emerges from childhood does to several aspects of his/her development.
Not doubting that he's intelligent... just incredibly pretentious, but it's partially because he's been brainwashed by his coddling, Ellen-watching mother into thinking that he's the smartest person to ever walk the planet. Her YouTube is humorous ('mathboysmom').[/quote]
a)Don't confuse achievement and intelligence.( Intelligence help to reach achievement, but is not a guarantee.) As he become older he will simply become even more intelligent. Also, IQ tests take account of you age at the time of testing.
c)He may be smart, but he's still a kid, nothing wrong about that. Don't confuse intelligence and maturity. It's normal that sometime he's childish.
d)School can be hell for gifted kids, more so even for a prodigy. He's really better off at university, which can challenge him, contrary to middle school.
Down with speculators!! !