Apparently there are many adult fans of Lego (AFOL, rhymes with hay-foal) out there. I don't know how many of them are on the autistic spectrum, but it is nearly certain some are, maybe even a larger relative percentage on the spectrum than in the general population.
I have always enjoyed playing with Lego (the accepted plural form, like sheep instead of sheeps). My daughter and I play with them sometimes. I don't know how much longer she'll be into them, but then eventually I may have kids or grandkids, or know somebody who does!
As a promotional gimmick I recently (March) started making Lego models of "The Bicycling Guitarist" to sell to fans. They actually bear a striking resemblance to me, my bicycle, and my guitar. Unfortunately, the company that makes the guitars (the only part of the model not a genuine Lego piece) informed me they have no plans to make any more in my preferred color scheme anytime soon. I have made seven models so far, gave away three (they were very well liked by the recipients), have four left, and have about a dozen more guitars to make more models (I don't have a dozen more bicycles or minifigs yet though.)
"When you ride over sharps, you get flats!"--The Bicycling Guitarist, May 13, 2008