I'm a small female and have always been crazy strong. When I was 14 my school started a girls' lifting club for female athletes... I was 5'1, 120, and could bench 160. People couldn't believe it. I was the smallest girl there and I set the record.
ZeroGravitas wrote:
My guess is that this is real, to some degree, and probably caused by a combination of factors such as our poor proprioception and hyposensitivity to pain.
I have to agree with your observation. I'm realizing how true it is right now. I'm working part time as a machinist in a lumber mill, which involves a lot of heavy lifting. I'm sitting here at this very moment thinking "Why on earth does my upper back hurt so bad?" and then I realize maybe I shouldn't have been lifting some of the things that I did today.
I also tend to be covered in bruises and couldn't tell you what I did to cause them. I don't think it's a hyposensitivity to pain exactly, it's more that I kind of... absorb(?) the pain. My sense of touch is completely out of whack. Light touches and such drive me insane but pain doesn't really get to me. I could have a piece of hair fall on my neck and the sensation will bother me for the next half hour, but I can smash my hand under a heavy piece of wood and forget about it 5 minutes later.