Despite having OCD, I don't have rigid routines and rituals associated with the need of sameness and predictability. I do not have that need, I would say that I am not on one spectrum with children described by Leo Kanner. It could be said that I have other sort of autism, not "bookish", "classic" one.
When I was about 4 - 5 years old, I had strange custom of not going into Wartburg car or bus with logo "Blue Star" on it. I was "ashamed" of that things. I had also "shame" of concrete mixers, my grandmother took me to bioenergotherapist (it was evil, occult, bad - maybe I have OCD due to it?) due to, like she said, "fear" of them. It was not malicious and not associated with fear. It was also not like an OCD symptom, it was not like compulsion. When I was about 7 years old, I did not want to say word "serso". It looked "ugly" to me. Maybe it was a sign of NVLD? I read once that people with NVLD pay (special?) attention to words or its sound. In elementary school I did not want to use some words like "wkradły" ("they had crept"?), "natrętny"(?), "wstrętny" (I do not remember it so good). "Inadequate shame" was present even when I was about 17, when I did not want to say name and surname of pedagogue. When I was younger, I avoided using of colloquial words.
Now I have also another phenomenon which may look like OCD or rigid ASD thinking. I want as high temperature in my country as possible. For example, I do not want in that month any days with maximal temperatures lower than 20 degrees C or minimal temperatures lower than 10 deg. C. I may be "harmed" due to occurrence of a day with so low temperature, it may be "painful" mentally for me and it could have quite negative influence on my mood, psychical well-being.