Hi Guys and Gals,
I do hope you are all well.
I am an undecided possible borderline Aspie. One thing that troubled me is that did or do not do the stiimming I read so much about. Hand flapping, twisting fingers (although I am bending my toes under themselves as I type. Does that count?), rocking and other motor movements. However, I think I am definitely and was a visual stimmer. An area I have not fully explored until now. I shall provide some examples.
I used to squint as a child. Specifically at night in a car. I would make the street lamps look all starry.
I always try and induce double vision. I dont know why. I also try and make things go out of focus. A lot. I thought it was due to my poor eyesight, but possibly not. Or daydreaming like behavior, but when I do it I am rarely thinking of anything.
I used to flicker a pen (or my finger) in front of my eyes whilst watching telly, and watch or try and make shapes. The pen would eventually make a crosshatch shape. I would do it for ages.
I had one of these 3d pattern style wallpapers in my bedroom. I would try and invert the pattern with my eyes, and keep it like it for minutes.
I also used to trace a pattern in my Grans settee with my finger. It was kind of embroidered with parts cut out. Again, much to my own amusement.
When my mum started the washing machine, I would sit and watch the drum go around. I remember this being a short phase of possibly a few years.
I have thought of one facial tick I used to do, and that is stretching my face. My mouth and eyes mainly as far as they could. I thought it was just a bad habit, but have never encountered any one else that did it. I remember it lasting for a good year. As I think about it, I actually want to do it. Scary
it used to feel really good though, but I had to try and stop it.
I am sure there are many more, but these are the one that stick. Have any of you guys had the same thing? and as I get older, I find people do not typically do these thing. When I look back in glee at these things, people look back gone out.
Thanks for your time. Any comments will be gratefully received. I am also thinking of getting a diagnosis based on this and other things I have noticed, but I may go into another thread for that.