Some people are terrible at giving verbal instructions. If that person happens to be a boss they might not have ever received feedback from underlings to know that they are terrible at giving verbal instructions.
I've learned not to blame the boss though, and to always ask for instructions in writing. This is because I know I cannot follow verbal instructions very well. I have CAPD, or Central Auditory Processing Disorder. This is co-morbid with my AS. I think that I hear what the person has said when I am given sequential instructions, but in fact my inner ear does not process the sound in the normal way. I think of it as dyslexia of the ears. It's only a problem when I have to follow precise sequential instructions given in verbal form. I've learned to tell people that I have CAPD, and ask for written instructionns rather than watch or listen to them become more and more frustrated when I can't follow their verbal instructions.
Another symptom of CAPD is abnormally sensitive hearing, so that a person can hear sounds others might not, even though there are also these deficits, such as inability to follow verbal or rhythmic sequences.