Anty28 wrote:
Every time I am on the Internet or I read a dictionary, I have urges to search for a given word that has to do with what I'm reading/watching, then I forget it the following second if I get distracted. I also have problems with my flow of thought. I think a lot, especially when I'm going to sleep, and it bothers me when I don't remember what I was thinking. All of these are especially annoying, I can spend several minutes trying to remember what I was thinking at that moment (even though it is often not important at all) and I seem to have more trouble dealing with "tip-of-the-tongue" phenomena than other people do.
What do you think ?
I have exactly those same problems. I have a real issue with not knowing the names of people I'm talking about in conversations, even if it is a name I'm very familiar with... and usually I have to just drop the topic, because the name never comes to me.
"If you can't call someone else an idiot, then you are obviously not very good at what you do."