CD84 wrote:
... what do people mean exactly when they say? "you're in your own world"?
With at least some of them, I think it is more like they are simply verbalizing a thought of their own and giving you/me/us an opportunity to be aware they do not know how to categorize one or more of your/my/our verbal or non-verbal actions.
CD84 wrote:
The same man who said I was a loner later told me people were saying things behind my back, that I am weird, odd etc.
That is called gossip, and it is nothing other than speculated (verbalized) arrogance or ignorance on their part.
CD84 wrote:
I didn't really get why they thought this though? Perhaps because I am detached and quiet at times?
They simply cannot "read" you, and that inability of *theirs* tends to leave them feeling a bit uneasy ... and then they turn things around as if *their* dilemma is somehow resulting from a shortcoming on *your* part.
CD84 wrote:
Someone once asked me "is it true your dad is a priest" ... [then] the woman [thought to herself] "maybe that's why he's like he is" ...
Phooey. She should have met the children of the preacher in the church where I grew up!
CD84 wrote:
when I asked her what she meant she never answered or ignored me.
In her arrogance and/or ignorance, she might have suddenly been either feeling sorry for you or suddenly afraid to speak in your mis-deified presence!
CD84 wrote:
I am starting to realize I am not as normal I once thought.
If I might be so bold here: You are simply finding out your normal and theirs are not the same. As Temple Grandin's mother once said (at least in the movie): "Different, but not less."
I began looking for someone like me when I was five ...
My search ended at 59 ... right here on WrongPlanet.