draelynn wrote:
Well, this is, technically, a support group. People come here to vent and to simply be heard. Everything is not going to be positive and clean and complimentary... just as they wouldn't be on any number of NT boards.
At first I really cringed and was angered by the generalization I read in some posts here, it sure seems like racism of a slightly different sort. We are all individuals after all. I don't think the Aspies and Auties here want people to generalize and put all people with ASDs into the same group. But then I came to realize something at least similar to the above and I don't take it personally.
draelynn wrote:
Many aspies have led lives full of bullying, rejection, misunderstanding, verbal abuse, emotional abuse not only by family but by people they thought were 'friends', business collegues, random people on the street... 'Once bitten, twice shy' is apropo but really it is like being bitten for years on end by almost everyone you've ever met. It cn make you bitter and jaded and angry. In tolerance of injustice is one of aspie traits that many seem to share - and when it is applied to themselves, over and over again.. it could harden anyone's heart.
I hope no one takes this in the wrong way, I ask it as a question I really want to know the answer to, not in a snarky way at all. Is it an Aspie/Autie trait to generalize one or maybe a few bad experiences to every future encounter?