Help needed
This text was written as a quick letter to myself some time ago.
Some of you may already know me, and you can just skip the information that you are already aware of.
I felt that I really needed help with this one, and WrongPlanet tends to be a savior when it comes to these things, and who knows, maybe somebody else will find this thread useful.
A big thank goes to anyone who read this!
Hi, I suffer from what I believe is Aspergers Syndrom.
Though it's not official, I'm pretty certain about it. I would really like to get an official diagnosis, since I believe it could be helpful in alot of situations.
That including that I don't have to go around with the doubt anymore.
The thing is, I really don't feel like telling anyone in my family, cause I'm very scared of the thought of how they may react.
Right now I'm under education as an IT-Technician, and it is not easy. Along with a very stuffed program (having 2 weeks to learn something that you have 3 months for in other countries), I've been having a bad employer. I've been forced to do work, even when the law says I'm not allowed to, but haven't been able to do anything about it. Because of all these things, I'm having a really bad depression for the time being, and it's something that I really want to get rid of!
During the education I had a really bad experience where I also got really depressed, due to many things. I was transfered to another school and this helped me extremely much, and I was very happy about it. Now the school have made a mistake in the paperwork, and that hits back on me. So now I'm forced for two weeks to receive teaching at the old school again. Of course I was very sad about this, but was generally in a good mood at that time, so I thought to myself that I should be able to do it, since it was only for a limited time. But now, where I'm started on the old school again, depression strikes back, big time.
I've been given the choice to extend my education, again. But that really isn't a choice, since it would push me even more, and I've plans for the summer, that I can't extend.
I'm really about to just quit it all now, even though the entire 3 years education is done in just 6 weeks.
Please help, what can I do?
Yeah... pff.. I should have expected that answer. No offence, but really, I'm feeling alot down, and people always thinks that I haven't tried, even though I feel like I've given every last bit of what's in me. I fight hard, and I fight all the way, always, never complaining cause I know better than that. That is until now, where I'm just about to really break down totally. I might as well jump off a building then. Not saying that I'm going to, I probably couldn't get myself to do it, but I'm really feeling like that.

Joined: 25 Apr 2010
Age: 79
Gender: Male
Posts: 657
Location: Out of my mind. Back in 10 minutes.
If you are that close to completing school, it would be a terrible loss for you to quit now. I have been in a similar situation and so I can understand how you feel. Try to find some way to stick it out a little bit longer. I think that in the long run you will be glad that you did. Education is probably one the most important things you can do for yourself. It will effect your entire life. Yes, it's that big a deal, so please try to hang in there.
"A man needs a little madness...or else...he never dares cut the rope and be free."
Nikos Kazantzakis, ZORBA THE GREEK
Some of us just have a little more madness than others!
I would like to say thank you to both of you. It was indeed a horrible time at that other school, but I did last (but it was haaaaard!), and I'm now on the track with my education again, and completing it in just about 4 weeks from now.
Seriously. It may seem like nothing to you, but when you need help badly, I feel that there's always someone else at WrongPlanet who've tried being through a similar story. It really helps to know that you're not alone, and it helps even more to know that there people who are supporting you.
Even if those people don't know you...
That just goes to show how big their hearts are!