I play paintball quite often, it's good fun.
Just to dispel a myth or two, the paintballs don't hurt, when they hit you! But do tell everyone who's attending for the first time that they hurt like hell, it makes them cower down and they become easy pickings!
Tips: don't go trigger crazy and use up all your paintballs at once, pick your shots or the cost of paintballs will be sky high. Always find the tallest guy and run behind them until cover is found.
Head shots don't count, (you wear a mask always), so find cover and poke your head up exposing only your mask, people will fire at your mask and you drain the oppositions paintballs!
For fun shoot the smallest kids first they squeal like pigs
Price: it varies but internet deals for groups can be very cheap, expect anywhere between
£35 pounds ($70 dollars?) to a penny + paintballs.
mostly have fun!! !! !! !! !!