A thought to entertain amongst you...insightful folks that you are.
I'm an Aspie guy in my 30s and have noticed, as some of you have, that in the period of late teens to mid-20s, NT guys are big on the "code of honour" when it comes to being ridiculed in front of peers, especially in front of a female prospect or gf...the unwritten rule is that you must get into a phys. altercation w/ the offender to recoup your dignity. I always found this a regrettable irony, that Aspies like us are the ones most likely to elicit this sort of behaviour during the 18-26 age, but the ones least likely to deal with it effectively. With motor skill deficits, the prospect of physically reacting to a tormentor never really appealed to me, I would just say they don't know what they're talking about, they're drunk, I'm not getting into this...and walk away. The way I see it, it could end up with either a) me in the hospital with a broken jaw or possibly wondering if I'll walk again (think about the falling on the stool scene from Million Dollar Baby), or b) I get sent to jail for a few years for aggravated assault or manslaughter (what if the guy hits his head on the floor from a sucker-punch??) so I think we show more restraint than the typical NT male in this demographic, I say to hell with the code of honor, I'm already in "violation" of other unwritten social rules unknowingly, so if I violate the code of honour knowingly, let them think what they want...and I'll be a heck of a lot better off walking away with lowered dignity, than I would be in a jail full of psychos with their own "code of honor", or having to rehabilitate with a 2nd disability after waking up in hospital with a migraine not remembering what happened.
Maybe the code of honour comes from the young NT males thinking that they are not robbed of the faculties that us Aspies are, so they feel they don't have anything to risk or lose??? Who knows, I don't get it, never did!! !