dvorak29 wrote:
I seen a psychiatrist today and described the symptoms I have: sensitive to sharp pitches, rocking, flapping my arms, not being able to touch certain textures, clumsiness, only being able to focus on one area of interest at a time, etc. He told me I was over analyzing. . . . ...
It's not the guy's field. He finds it boring.<----perhaps, this is a social read on my part. That's why he told you that you were "over analyzing." (For example, he might be interested in family dynamics and be fairly good at that and find other stuff boring. For example, I remember a psychologist who really emphasized 'transactional analysis,' almost as if it was a religion. And I think the whole field of mental health 'professionals' has a lot of problems, this being a big one, that they believe in certain things so much they almost make it a religion)
Actually, you were giving him a list of symptoms and things that bother you that if he had an interest or knowledge of Asperger's / Autism Spectrum, he could have picked up on.
Offhand, casually (and I certainly am not a doctor), you might be aspie, you might not. And you are welcome here either way.
If you have some aspie traits but not others, you might really be able to help the rest of us learn some social skills, and we might be able to help you with a few things.