Bloodheart wrote:
Does everyone have obsessions on certain things?
Maybe not everyone, but I do. If I am obsessed or interested in something I can have periods of time when I will become hyper-focused, I'll get caught-up doing something (normally related to my 'special interest') and I will loose track of time, not eat, drink or go to the bathroom for hours, I can't pay attention to anything else around me during that time, if someone tries to talk to me I can't listen and get irritated by them, and little can pull me away from whatever it is I'm doing.
Do you have a hard time trying to figure out what people are actually saying?
Yup, my partner takes an eternity to say anything, I often have to stop him and tell him to get to the point, or at the end of a story I have to ask him what the point was...or I look puzzled and he clarifies for me. The more stressed you are the more your brain is going LALALALALALALALA!! !! you have too much to think about and too much sensory information coming at you at a time when your brain is already being awkward with trying to listen to someone can be tricky, more so when the other person is trying to express how they feel in a way that isn't straightforward - this is difficulty figuring out intentions of others and feelings of others.
Yes, I can't think about anything else. My obsessions just rotate every couple weeks or months. I obsess over electronics ALL the time. Sometimes I get so determined to get something, I can't think about anything else until I get it. (For example, I wanted an iPod touch, couldn't think about anything else.. didn't have enough money, got a fake nano.. wasn't good enough, got a real nano, wasn't good enough, got an ipod touch classic, wasn't good enough.. got an ipod touch gen 1 for 110$.. could've gotten a gen 2 for 120, but couldn't wait the extra day to put 10$ in my account for something better. Now I regret my decision and want a gen 2). This obsession lasted more than a year, but it's pretty much passed, but I spent hours flipping through ebay auctions, reading reviews, watching videos and what not.
I also am suspected to have a health condition called Ankylosing Spondylitis.. I read EVERYTHING I could about the subject and now seem to know more than my doctor's. It's unfortunately not a well or understood disease so most older doctor's don't know much about it. Similar to ASD, it was thought only men got it. I've spent more hours than I can tell you researching it, going to every web page possible and reading everything I could.
These are just a couple examples. I suppose I do have special interests. I collect Alice in Wonderland things, but I'm VERY picky and only like things that are related to the book. I can't help but buy stuff when I see it but I am SO picky and kind of stuck up about it!
"Run from me. Everybody else does, and you know what? I don't care. So, I blow up. If they want to live their lives scared of something that isn't even happening to them then they've got a bigger problem than I do. Me, I'll face this one alone."