Phonic wrote:
diagnosed at 18, several weeks ago, nothing is writing but those who diagnosed are helping me get on disability allowence so it's basically official.
I don't *technically* have anything in writing either, but I do consider the diagnosis official because it came from a psychologist qualified to diagnose it. I do have a piece of paper with their signature on it that they gave to my school saying I have "Asperger's Disorder" for academic accommodation; however, I was not given a report.
I did, unfortunately, find out that they actually took advantage of me and did not give me to complete evaluation as I had requested. They still took a lot of my money though. So, now I am going to get a full evaluation (through someone else!) on May 11th. I think they will diagnose me with classic autism due to my language delay and then loss of regression, but I don't think it matters a whole lot because I face the same challenges as someone with high functioning classic autism and someone with severe Asperger's. Just as long as they recognize on my loan application that my symptoms are not mild, I'm good....