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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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25 Apr 2011, 6:47 pm

I am male and 17 with ASD/VCFS and I don't know why but lately I have been acting like an idiot or a morn and I would like to know why. I am often seen by other people as slow and very frustrating to work with. I am a underachiever and I don't have that many friends and have none to talk to much. I am also very shy and I take longer to react to what people have to say to me. I have many people pick on me because of how slow I am and here is one of them. his was my bullying experience from some other student that I have had.
There is this freshman kid who picks on me and he's always calling me slow or an idiot. I know I posted this before but this is bothering me. I am no longer in his class but he still bugs me even today. He keeps saying to me that I'm slow when my thinking is delayed and he acts like he knows everything to. He would say to me " dude you're so slow" if I'm of quick enough in responding to him. He was in my math class and I had that at the end of the day so I must of had trouble with responding because it is at the end of the day. He acts like he's my fried but he says mean things to me he said I was a idiot and he said that he was smarter than me. Near the end of the period he would always come near me and one other person to play a game of would you rather and I am always the example of the would you rather. He thinks he knows everything and every time I get a question wrong he would go "Dude you got this so wrong here let me show you!" He only does this to me and not anyone else. He told me he was smarter than me and he said it like this "dude I'm smarter than you!" And every time he says dude I want to get so mad at him. He would give me the "oh my God " reaction every time I act slow I he also gives me the face palm whenever I get a problem wrong and acts like he knows what he is doing. I hate it when he says "dude you got this so wrong" and I just get mad at him. How do I deal with people like this he makes me feel bad about myself. I don't want any violent or rude answers to. I copied this from some other site that I posted on but that is the reason why it kind of sounds repeated. But I would like to know am I the only one who had this kind of bullying experience?
I also seem to have a low IQ than most. I have degorgies (don't know how I pronounce that) but I think my IQ is in the 65 range of what I think it is. I often do things slowly than other people and other people could do things a lot quicker than I can. If I was in a cooking class and I was working on something I think I was doing well at. Someone else would come in and do it 5 times faster than I am. I feel really stupid and slow and I would like to know what could be my problem? I know I posted this before but this will be my last time I post a question like this because I don't want people to get annoyed by me.

Emu Egg
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25 Apr 2011, 7:56 pm

i have similar issues that you are going through, it doesn't change with age , you can try to mask your weaknesses ,people are basically selfish and will mock you not matter what age you are , and relatives just think that some one is strange instead of helping, i know. professional help is the only thing that will help . im going to seek it very soon


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25 Apr 2011, 8:44 pm

I'm sorry he does that to you. Nothing pisses me off more than people making fun of those who aren't as quick to pick up a subject as they are. It just annoys me. Such arrogance. I have the second highest GPA in my entire college (which takes a 2.8 GPA to even get in to) and am tutor, so I am considered smart. But I don't respond to things verbally very quickly and need the person to write it down or repeat it in small sections for me to understand what they are trying to get me to do, or how to explain to them when I am tutoring. And I did horrible in math, didn't even understand what the teacher was saying the first time I took it in college. Extremely basic math alluded me. Everyone is going to do poorly in some areas and better in others, and only the truly uneducated make fun of someone who does poorly in a subject where they do well. But most freshmen in HS are pretty uneducated punks, it comes with the territory I think.

Tufted Titmouse
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25 Apr 2011, 9:15 pm

Yes. I can be slow and lack wit in conversations, and was bullied sometimes because of it. I think it's important for you to remember that you are not the one with the problem here. You are who you are and there is nothing wrong with that. The bully is the one with the problem. He's trying to bring himself up by cutting you down, but it doesn't work that way. Bullies are unhappy people.

Sometimes you can disarm people like this by bringing up the issue directly and telling them how it makes you feel. You could say something like, "When you say things like that, it makes me mad." A school counselor gave my that advice and I've used it a number of times. It feels awkward, but it helps. (edit: I should add that i did this under the supervision of the school councilor. The counselor would arrange a meeting between me and the bully and we would discuss the problem together. I really didn't have the ability to deal with a bully myself at that age, but i could with the counselors' guidance. If you have a service like this available in your school, you might want to check it out. )

Take care.

Last edited by Scarecrow on 26 Apr 2011, 1:32 am, edited 1 time in total.


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25 Apr 2011, 9:51 pm

IQ is a suspect measure, but I doubt yours is 65. That would be severely impaired and you would be in a special education class, it you were in school at all.

Your "friend" is a dolt. He is feeding is own ego at your expense. He may even think he is being helpful, but he is doing it to feed his own needs. You are just the soul he is trying to drain.

If you were formally diagnosed with Apserger's then you should have some sort if IEP (individualized education plan) through the school and someone to maybe talk to about this tormentor. If you don't have an IEP (another indication your IQ is not 65), I have to wonder why not.

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25 Apr 2011, 10:13 pm

I have the comeback that actually stops most bullies in their tracks
tell them the truth
repeat this to him
"People who pick on others have low self esteem, so you need to see a shrink"
keep telling him that every time he picks on will wear thin on him and he will stop

My sister did this to some kid 5 years older than her who was picking on her for being overweight. And he never messed with her again.

You have to learn to go on the offensive and attack his weakness instead of just being defensive. The defesnsive tactic does not work with bullies.

As far as IQ tests go, most IQ tests are timed, and because you have a slower processing time does not mean you are stupid.
By the way that is what is going on, You have a slower mental processing time, but that has nothing to do with actual inteligence just like faster car does not always mean a more powerful engine. Example; on of the fastest street cars is actually a 4 cylider honda crv engine put in a smaller car. A 4 cylinder engine is a very small engine, but a tractor trailer engine is very powerful, but slow acceleration time. You could not haul a pickup load of dirt with a crv without destroying the engine but it can outrun a 18 wheeler anyday.

likewise you are not stupid because you have slower mental processing time which has more to do with mental organization that actual menatal speed. It is like having a brain with a bad filing system. You have all this information (intelegence) but you have poor mental organization so you have a hard time finding what file you put the needed information in. Finding it takes time, so that is what is going on. You are not stupid. Anyone who pics on others to make themselves feel better are feeling inferior to others is stupid cause that will only cause them to develop a preditory personality which will end them up behind bars someday. It is also stupid for the teachers to allow this cause 3 people are hurt in the process, the victim for obvious reasons, the perp because he will destroy himself in the end, and the ones who stand by and do nothing for they have to live with that on their conscious.

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25 Apr 2011, 10:50 pm

I'm much slower at doings things especially physical tasks because I must make sure I know everything so I don't bollocks it up.
My comprehension in both reading and listening is pretty low too. Most times it's due to sensory distractions, like a noise or an object close by. It is kind of my brain though. I have inattentive ADHD symptoms that make it hard for me to comprehend things.
When I speak words never come out right. They sort of come out cut and pasted in the wrong areas. It's kind of annoying.

People don't think I'm dumb because I think I'm always reading up or learning about something. And sometimes the things I've learnt randomly come out in conversations so people treat me more like a nerd than someone that is slow, even though at times I can be very slow.

In school I was a slower learner and my ADHD issues back then were so severe I never learnt much but it didn't bother me back then. Still, no one bullied me about it. They used to bring up this other random crap to bully me about which made no sense to me and I was unaffected by it.

Sorry you get bullied by this guy. He obviously has his own insecurities. The best way to deal with verbally abusive people is to just ignore them. Don't give in because that's what they want.

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