YellowBanana wrote:
...and in the end said "You know, we keep ourselves to ourselves [referring to my husband and me] but if you need us we are just next door."
He said "thank you", talked a bit more and then went off to go about his business.
I'm sure he's also inwardly grateful for the time you gave him. Sometimes people just want an ear and a shoulder to cry on then we all feel much better once we've emptied our hearts and can continue the rest of the day.
Personally, I don't feel comfortable having anyone over to my place, so what I would do in this situation is if I cook or bake something, I'd give an extra dish or a serving to my neighbor. Walk it over and if he's there to answer the door, he'll surely appreciate the gesture and if not, then more goodies for you that day.
He might even invite you in to share whatever you brought and this will give you a chance to comfort him simply by listening to him talk about memories of his wide and/or life in general while preserving your homespace at the same time.