Hello. I am new to this forum.
I haven't been able to find if this is also characteristic of AS. Although I've been diagnosed for a couple of years already, I've never really looked in to any symptoms or anything; never been that interested. For some reason I decided to do this today.
It's little things like: in those garage level stairs with arrows on the side, I like to walk with my foot corresponding to the side the arrow is on. Like, arrow on the left side, left foot. Arrow on the right side, right foot. I never knew if this was just part of my AS or some OCD behavior.
I also like working on memorizing things and then when I've got it, I spend the next few weeks writing them down whenever I can to test myself and see if I still remember. Things like, the capitals of the states or parts of the body or anything really. And writing things down in general (handwriting), mostly names and such. My own name and others; I try writing them in different ways and styles. I think this is more typical of AS, maybe a form of "stimming"? (this is a new term for me) I don't do many things that I really notice, like walking some certain way or rocking or hand-flapping. Mostly just drumming my fingers and writing things a lot.
I think what keeps any of this from being OCD is the fact that I enjoy it. Is that right? I don't feel it stems from any anxiety and it definitely doesn't cause me anxiety...Although I would be upset to stop these things, I think I could without that much trouble. Wondering if any of you have these things too. I've mostly just read about the social aspects of AS.