mullion wrote:
i think choosing to adopt is a bit shallow. AS has just as many strengths as weaknesses in my opinion. As for genetics, My mother & my child have severe NLD/Aspergers as do I & interestingly so does my half-brother (same mother - different fathers), so yes, I do think there's a great big genetic link-up there somehow, someway!
Raising children with AS can be difficult (but not always). And also, not everyone views AS as a positive. Based on my own experiences in life, I can safely say I would give a limb to be normal. That may sound horrible, but it's simply the way I feel. For this very reason, I may never have kids.
Besides, there are too many children in the world that are starving anyways. Why bring even more into the world when you can take one of the existing ones in and give them a better life?
So yeah, I don't think choosing to adopt is shallow...I think it's noble, AS or no AS.