Apple_in_my_Eye wrote:
It seems like more often people are talking about being over-sensitive to meds.
That would be my typical response to meds and to any kind of mind-altering agent. Case in point; I am terrified of any kind of general anaesthetic, as the one time I was given it, it failed to knock me out. However, it did completely disconnect my mind from body, and I was in some kind of a stupor for a week! I just about broke my face trying to walk through a closed elevator door at the hospital after the procedure, because the door had opened and then closed again, and it took that long for my eyes to send the message to my brain, and then to my legs. Another terrible experience I had, was when I was about 25, and I had dental work done, and the dentist gave me a pain pill in the office as a preventive for when the Novocaine should wear off. The pill may have been Percocet, or something like that. It did NOTHING for the pain, but it caused hallucinations and scared the crap out of me. I was told it was fine to drive to work after that appointment, and I did... But I'm lucky I didn't have an accident. I had to go from the dental office in Ventura County, CA to where I worked in West Los Angeles. I used Las Virgenes/Malibu Canyon Road to get over the hills, and there is one tunnel to go through on that road. However, I counted a half dozen of them after I had driven through
. I could not remember why I had been to the dentist either, until later that day. It was as if I had taken some kind of ultra-strong narcotic (as if I had experience, LOL... Never done that).
I am so scared of drugs now, that I have actually had surgery without anaesthetic. That was more favorable to me, than the fear of the drugs!