In my case, it depends on the nature of the repetitive noise, but intrusive, treble-heavy sounds can get right on my nerves - cymbals crashing (and my daughter stims by, among other things, playing a drum kit!), whining voices, small yappy dogs, that sort of thing. It seems to annoy most people - but it enrages me.
Other than that, my major problem is that when there's more than one source of noise nearby, I can only follow the loudest one. Want to talk to me while the TV's on? You're fine - up until the commercial starts. (Yes, the commercials really are louder. The station turns the gain down on the program's sound, so you have to turn your TV up to hear it properly - then the commercials get set to the highest legal level.) If two or more people are talking at the same time, I can't "hear" either of them - that is, I can hear the voices, and I know they're both trying to talk to me, but I can't actually resolve individual words from either one. And I will never understand how people can have conversations in clubs - literally all I can hear is the sound system thumping at me. Even my own voice can't cut that.
Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.