Found this post in my inbox when I logged in a few moments ago. I'll let it speak for itself.
To: NateSean
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:55 am
Subject: Ur a DICK-HEAD!
Concerning ur post about "My Asperger's son died because authorities didn't understand his condition" Ur an absolutely ignorant dick-head, but then again if ur an aspie u might have some lack of empathy but then again ironically according 2 ur theory or stance no exemptions should b made 4 n e body!
I'm assuming ur Aspie condition is of such that u don't understand (u wouldn't make such a blanket statement otherwise!) what it's like 2 b REALLY persistently physically & mentally unwell, ppl fed up or given up hope with u (i.e. ppl treating u like a burden as ur a young but almost vegetative state) & a complete loss of hope in life which this young man clearly did have. A loss of hope in life. This is y we have euthanasia clinics (e.g. Switzerland, the Netherlands, Thailand, Luxembourg 2 name a few countries that have this system) 4 ppl who make a decision that their life is no longer worth bearing through either constant & persistant pain (emotional, mental or physical) or other suffering & misery. For e.g. some ppl who r terminally ill wish 2 die a dignified way & not b considered & treated like a burden on their family & relatives.
MANY (although I'm not saying all) Aspies CANNOT, r unable & don't have the capacity 2 adapt & will b "awkward" 4 the rest of their lives & will need assisted living 1 way or another, either through their parents, family, carers, support workers or austic/asperger's residential homes.
You can't just say throw them out into the real cruel, hostile, tough generally ignorant world & assume eventually they'll learn basic life-skills. This would just make them vulnerable 2 exploitation.
As u may well know, Aspies learn, digest, process info differently & it's a wide severity spectrum of circumstances frm person 2 person.
Most Aspies r male & most will never marry/have a partner or procreate. 50% of them live @ home with their parents well into adulthood & only 15% (according 2 the NAS-The National Autistic Society) r able 2 hold down a steady, permanent job. There is some hope 4 ppl with less severe autistic conditions/traits who shouldn't give up but these r frustrating statistics, but 4 some unfortunately is their life.
The only hope I say (& I know it's in the works, although obviously there is currently nothing on the market) is a form of medication 4 ppl with more severe aspies or autistic traits 2 help them deal with their traits or quirks. I know ppl may think medication is not a cure-all & there will b side-affects but currently there is nothing (unless 1 MAY consider cannabis personally helpful 4 their own circumstances lol
Ur comments portray urself as some right-wing Bible-Basher.
I especially like how this moron is trying to maintain a semblence of intelligence while so obviously holding on to the idiot ball with one hand as he types with the others. I don't even remember the discussion he's talking about.
Actually, that's not true. I remember it. But the fact that this dipthong had to PM me is proof of the fact that he couldn't post this crap in the actual comments section of said discussion and expect anyone with an IQ above their shoe sizes to take him seriously.