Thebigrage wrote:
So every now and again my AS gets brought up when I am talking to my friends, and whenever it does they say that it is all in my head and that I can control it. I don't know if I should get irked by this or not because they may just be trying to help me I don't know, I feel irked when they say it because they are NT's and have no idea what I go through everyday so I don't know what do you guys think should I be irked or no?
"Should" as in a normative response: Yes
"Should" as in a right to because your friends were out of bounds: No
This is just a case with your friend's not being able to empathize with you. You shouldn't really hold that against them because they are NT and can't help it. NT's can only empathize with things that they themselves have experienced or can imagine experiencing, and they generally have to be taught to empathize with those with AS through analogies and stories.
You can point out, that yes, it is in your head. AS is a neurological phenomena.
From the NT's tend to have a theory of mind deficit in that they have a hard time grasping that something or someone can look one way, and be another way.
For example, if you've ever seen the film "Transporter" you may recall one of the characters was an Asian lady who's real name is Shu Qi. Shu did NOT speak English at the time the movie was filmed, yet she spoke all of her lines in English, and someone might very easily assume her to be fluent but she wasn't. She had just mastered saying those lines.