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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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09 May 2011, 11:13 pm

Hello, Wrong Planet. As you can tell, I'm new here. I want to stay very anonymous, so you can just call me by my username. I came here to share my life story to a bunch of strangers... and I'm hoping with some help I can get this sorted out. I'll try to categorize the best I can.

PRESCHOOL: As a young child, I was exceptionally fast in English skills. I was writing my full name (first/last) by two years old and reading the "boys" sign on the preschool bathrooms by three. I refused to use the bathroom for a long time because of the sign. The teachers were shocked. Other than that, I don't remember too much of my preschool.

PRE-K to KINDERGARTEN: These were probably the times in my life that SCREAMED Aspie. At around pre-kindergarten, my behavior plummeted. I had frequent tantrums and fairly disobedient. I don't remember too much of pre-k, but after recently reading school records (another long story) the word "ASPERGER'S" just popped through the page. Let's make a list, shall we?

* I had a very rigid posture.
* I would "talk at" people about some unrelated subject.
* I thought unusual things were funny.
* I avoided eye contact.
* I disliked "change."
* Body language didn't seem to get through to me.
* I would invade other's personal space.
* I was obsessed (more like consumed) with certain topics.
* I had tantrums daily. When the teacher would try to help, I'd throw tantrums in class. ALL. THE. TIME. That part I do remember.

The only big change in 1st-2nd grade was having a "behavior contract." Yeah, I was that bad.

3RD-4TH GRADE: These were rough but still sweet times. I continued with the tantrums... and my anger was uncontrollable. I'd say I was fairly disruptive, and I still had those Aspie-like obsessions. In 4th grade, I didn't like girly things at all (yes, I'm a girl) and I went to the point of dressing in boy's clothes. Let's not get into the whole LGBT thing, it was just a phase and does not determine my sexuality. I'd say friend-wise (I've always had trouble making friends) it was a pretty good year.
Oh, yeah! Girl Scouts! I was a huge goof. Me and my friend were giggling about tampons. Yeah, that got us in big trouble.

I also had another behavior contract.

In these years, I was diagnosed with ADHD and OCD, which both were proven wrong after I pretty much OD'd on ADHD medication and had a seizure. Just typing about it makes my muscles in my fingers nearly freeze up. That led up to...

5TH-6TH GRADE: My teacher was a nightmare in 5th grade. Again, the tantrums continued and my math grades plummeted. The whole teacher thing is irrelevant. In 6th grade, things were pretty good.

Now, I'm a seventh grader questioning her whole life. I'm just so confused. I'm awkward, I don't have many friends, gym class is a nightmare because the whole "team rules thing" confuses me. I still have the obsessions (my most recent, super intense one was synesthesia. Oh, don't get me started on "syn" meaning together and "esthesia" me-- I'll stop here. If I don't, I could ramble forever) and right now I think I'm going through a mild Asperger's obsession phase. I mean obsession with Asperger's.

Please ask any question that would help me or you understand more. It's late at night and I'm sure I forgot something, but I really need help!


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09 May 2011, 11:19 pm

What do your parents think? If you are uncomfortable talking to your parents, you should try a trusted teacher or school counselor. They should be able to help you find someone to talk to.


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10 May 2011, 7:07 am

I don't know how much I'll be able to help you sort this out, but I'll try my best.

What was the first eccentric behavior you had? (I ask because in my case, being different and eccentric started at birth. Namely, I was breathing just fine but didn't cry. I just looked around at everything in the room (even made eye contact with my mom); like being born just didn't bother me.)

Well, I was on my way to this gay gypsy bar mitzvah for the disabled when I suddenly thought, "Gosh, the Third Reich's a bit rubbish. I think I'll kill the Fuhrer." Who's with me?

Watch Doctor Who!

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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10 May 2011, 5:46 pm

@bergie: I don't really want to get the school involved, but I am in counseling and I'm trying to hint out why I think I might be potentially Aspie.

@ChrisVulcan: I know many people are against this, but my mom said it all started after I got my first vaccines.


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11 May 2011, 10:31 am

Turquoise wrote:
ChrisVulcan: I know many people are against this, but my mom said it all started after I got my first vaccines.

Well, I say vaccines can't cause autism. After all I got shots every year when I was a kid and I turned out, oh, wait. Hmm... I may want to rethink that one. :wink:

To be honest, I don't know that much about the vaccine debate. I was researching autism and I finally got so tired of people arguing about it that I decided that I just didn't want to hear it. On the one hand, there haven't been any studies done to conclude that autism is (or can be) caused by vaccines. But on the other hand, putting mercury-based stuff in the vaccines can't be a good idea, and many parents have noticed a dramatic change in their child's behavior after their child was vaccinated.

There's definitely something very odd going on here.

I'll keep the fact that your parents noticed the first symptoms after you got your vaccines. Here comes the next volley of questions.

When you were a baby, were you especially fussy or difficult to deal with? Were you unusually calm? Pre-vaccines, were you especially nervous or cautious? Did you have normal motor coordination or were you kind of clumsy? Were you sensitive to loud noises or bright lights? Did you get bothered by smells, feelings, or foods tht didn't bother anybody else? What is your ethnic background? Does anyone in your family have aspie-like symptoms? Even little ones (think carefully)? And finally, do you have any family members with multiple sclerosis, celiac disease, other autoimmune disorders, cystic fibrosis, or PKU?

Well, I was on my way to this gay gypsy bar mitzvah for the disabled when I suddenly thought, "Gosh, the Third Reich's a bit rubbish. I think I'll kill the Fuhrer." Who's with me?

Watch Doctor Who!