Chris71186 wrote:
how likely is it for an aspie [both men and women] to be skilled enough in socail norms to have a healthy romance with someone?
I think there's something of a contradiction in terms here - I'm not at all sure that the norms are particularly healthy. Since my DX I've realised that I was unwittingly trying very hard (in some respects) to fit in with social norms and to present a neurotypical front. Now that I know what I was up to, it's become harder to continue like that.
I'd always try not to be annoying though, as long as by doing so I wasn't also reducing myself to a caricature of who I really am.
I don't really know the "proper dating method"
Me neither.....I guess I have my own homespun version of a dating method.......if I liked somebody, I'd try asking them along to something that we'd both enjoy, it's no big thing if they say no, dating is just a light thing.....if they turn up then that's great, you get some time with them to find out more about them and hopefully have a bit of harmless fun, make each other laugh or something. It's really not all that different to hanging out with guys, except it seems easier to talk about feelings to a girl. You develop the relationship as much as you can without busting a gut, if it flatlines then give up, but if you find you're getting closer all the time, and no alarm bells are ringing, the next step will probably to make it sexual. Whatever else, don't leave the girl wondering where she stands with you.....once you're seeing each other regularly, you probably need to take the lead and raise the question of what you want from each other. It's nice to make the first sexual encounter spontaneous and romantic, which means you might not be able to discuss those intentions in graphic detail beforehand.
But really there's no universal method, I think a lot of it is to do with focussing well on how you both happen to be interacting and feeling, and planning accordingly. Every case is different, and so the summary of my dating method is:
look and learn.
I'd like to see how my method compares with this "proper dating method" of which you speak.
If you seem to be scaring a lot of girls away, that might be the dreaded male's inevitable that you'll feel that, if you've gone for years without female warmth....if so you need to learn to carry it well. Though it's hard to know what a guy is doing to drive away the girls, it could be anything.