Back when I was 17, I first heard the word and back then it meant someone who isn't on the autism spectrum, but now today, it seems like it now means a normal person, someone who doesn't have any problems or mental illnesses or disabilities.
So that means in Benny & Joon, Sam and Joon weren't NTs because Joon was mildly schizophrenic and Sam had dyslexia and he was out of the norm because of the way he dressed and the way he did stuff.
That would mean my aunt isn't NT either because she is severely schizophrenic and people in wheelchairs or with other type of physical disabilities aren't NT's either and either are people with Bipolar, manic depressive, mental retardation, ADHD, learning disabilities, cognitive disorders, etc.
So does NT really mean now someone who doesn't have any problems instead of someone who isn't on the autism spectrum?
If you're diabetic, would that mean you're not NT either or if you have cancer?
I have been wondering this for awhile because occasionally I will see people saying someone isn't an NT just because they have schizophrenia or are MR and one of my online buddy's told me NT doesn't necessarily mean someone who isn't on the autism spectrum.