My family is quite 'odd', and we have a variety of Mental Health diagnoses, but no AS.
However, when I told my father, by email, that I thought I had AS, he went away and read up about it. And he emailed me last week to say he recognises a lot of AS characteristics in himself. Which would explain a lot, as he was certainly very different from other fathers when I was growing up. I don't really know him very well, I've only seen him twice in the last decade. He has lots of brothers, and my mother used to have quite a few conversations with my aunts about how odd the 'insert surname here' men were.
My sister is very sociable etc, but she does have diagnoses of Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, and ADHD, diagnosed only about 6 years ago when she went to university, in her 40s. She got her degree.
My mother has a bipolar diagnosis. I don't know any of her relatives, so I couldn't say any more about her side of the family.
Her stepson has Asperger's although that was recently changed to an Autism diagnosis. He's in his early 20s. I've only met him a few times, but we got on well. He might even be on WP for all I know. *waves*