Sensitivity to others social inadequacies

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16 May 2011, 7:28 pm

Do any of you find you're sensitive to other people's social inadequacies?

Generally rude people stick out, but I'm talking more about poor social skills or social faux pas.
People often don't seem to see what they've done or if they do it rolls off them, but as you're on the outside looking in you seem more aware of these social trip-ups - when I notice them I feel embarrassed and uncomfortable for a while afterwards.

For example;
When I was 9 my family went to the beach, my mother sat down on a chair to chat to my aunt for a minute - my granddad made a comment to my uncle under his breath that he'd brought the chair for him to sit on, not her - my mother was oblivious. This would have been forgotten by my granddad mere minutes later, but that day it caused me to shut-down scared of tripping-up like my mother.

It's not that bad these days, but when someone makes a little social trip-up it's like it's SCREAMING at me and makes me very uncomfortable, I don't know why - anyone else ever get anything like this?


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16 May 2011, 7:36 pm

Bloodheart wrote:
Do any of you find you're sensitive to other people's social inadequacies?

Generally rude people stick out, but I'm talking more about poor social skills or social faux pas.
People often don't seem to see what they've done or if they do it rolls off them, but as you're on the outside looking in you seem more aware of these social trip-ups - when I notice them I feel embarrassed and uncomfortable for a while afterwards.

For example;
When I was 9 my family went to the beach, my mother sat down on a chair to chat to my aunt for a minute - my granddad made a comment to my uncle under his breath that he'd brought the chair for him to sit on, not her - my mother was oblivious. This would have been forgotten by my granddad mere minutes later, but that day it caused me to shut-down scared of tripping-up like my mother.

It's not that bad these days, but when someone makes a little social trip-up it's like it's SCREAMING at me and makes me very uncomfortable, I don't know why - anyone else ever get anything like this?

Yes, I feel this way sometimes too.
Actually, it's still pretty bad for me (I am young still, so... I have a lot to experience)
I don't know why but... Well, just as you described. I feel like it literally screams at me.
I use to go to my friends house a lot and his uncle and his mother always said stuff like that.
I felt extremely uncomfortable around them, and I would still if I saw them again.


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16 May 2011, 7:42 pm

I cringe when I see that, and marvel at how fluidly the NT-ish can move on without making a big deal of it. If I feel imposed upon, it doesn't make much difference whether the imposer follows Social Rules or not: I usually shut down at least for a micro-second, and it shows.


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16 May 2011, 9:13 pm

I don't usually notice, or care about, these sorts of things.

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16 May 2011, 9:35 pm

^ I would say the same thing as above. In fact, it is often me creating the embarassing situation.

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16 May 2011, 10:13 pm

Bloodheart wrote:
Do any of you find you're sensitive to other people's social inadequacies?

Both my parents are socially challenged for different reasons and I'm very sensitive to their inadequacies. They make me laugh but can embarass me at the same time. Unfortunately, I got some of their character traits.


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17 May 2011, 9:04 am

SammichEater wrote:
I don't usually notice, or care about, these sorts of things.

I usually notice, but don't care, about these sorts of things. Unless it directly affects me, then I start to care, but usually the "little things" don't really matter (Which is the vast majority of "social violations" that typically happen.).

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17 May 2011, 9:50 am

This describes me very well. However, when I am not the one on the outside looking in, I am much more likely to be the one making the mistake. I am a very good observer, but find it hard to take a step back looking in on a situation I have immersed myself in.