KWifler wrote:
I was very young, and it was early. My family was living in a semi truck. We stopped at a rest area. On my way to the bathroom, I fainted and my forehead hit the corner of a brick wall. I couldn't have been more than 2 years old or so, maybe younger. Afterwards, when I was getting stitches, I didn't squirm or cry. The doctor said I was very brave.
I've recently met several people who sustained early childhood head injuries and brain damage. We have a lot of "little things" in common, more than anyone I've ever met before. I wonder if my Asperger's diagnosis could be from a case of brain damage, and if so, maybe it's not a correct diagnosis after all?
I'm not saying that's how it is for anyone else, those are just my experiences. Also, I'd like to know if it's possible for me to find out for sure.
This is very interesting as when I was very young in a pram aged around 18 months my mother was talking to someone and the pram jolted forwarded hurtling down the street and I ended up falling out of it headfirst. My mother still occasionally brings this up and wishes she had never done that to me and thinks it might have done something. But as I was fine according to Doctors I think it wasnt anything, I lean more towards the MMR jab I had at 4 for when it really came through but sometimes my mum wonders if it was her fault for that happening ( I dont blame her for that, it was an accident!).
But I was just interested to hear your story in relation to mine... hmm.