most raw veggies, due to acridness/bitterness as well as some nasty tactile qualities about them, especially raw tomatoes - when i see a sliced tomato lying split down the middle, on a cutting board, i almost rolf because when i see the quivering jelly with all those little seeds floating about in it, it is almost like seeing a disemboweled living thing. the tactile quality/taste of the quivering jelly with the seeds in it is beyond endurance. BLECH!! !!
munching on raw carrots is akin to eating congealed sawdust that has been pressed into tough little grunchy turds of sawdusty unpleasantness.
cucumbers, no matter how they're sliced, are like eating grunchy acrid slices of slimy minty rubber discs. but thinly sliced [seasoned] pickles i can tolerate, for some reason.
mushrooms [unless they are minced into a paste and well-dispersed in a thin mixture in a compound food] are like earthy-tasting bits of semisoft rubber. only in the adult forums can i say what they really taste like.
caraway seeds- like eating vaguely mint-flavored wood chips.
raw meat or fish or poultry- beyond BLECH!! !!
mushy black bananas. GAWD!
plain white yogurt. as a coworker said to me once, "plain yogurt tastes like HELL!"
those are the biggies.