I don't know if it can be consider 'hysterically' but it is happens when i was 15 and i was at art school. Until i was 15 i had wrong reaction related to my own feelings, like for example, i could laught when i was sad or sorry and in a way that people assumed i was happy or glad, and i could have cold reaction when i was happy inside.
And once, someone has destroyed all works of another art class. Our art teacher has showed us how vandals have destroyed those works and first i laughted loudly, after i started to cry. Without feeling sad or glad, just indignant. It was hard explaining that i was criyng without feeling sad and the fact i could not understand why this reaction (especially because i was criyng).
Another time i was 9. In that occasion, my criyng was related to my delusion, but i cried for 3 hours and after i trew up.
Vaccines can cause cancer in cats. Think about that, before vaccine yours (I'm owner of a VAS survivor cat)
- Sorry for bad english (and bad norwegian), I'm italian -
2012 - år av nordlys... og sørlys.
- La diversità è l'elemento principe del mondo -