I am probably AS
hyperlexian wrote:
i got to thinking about mirror neurons and how differences in aspie and autie brains affects our social interactions. i have a couple of questions for both NTs and people with AS (please self-identify so we can see the trends). i am sure the scientists have already researched these things, but i am lazy to research it and i want to know YOUR experiences.
1. if someone yawns in front of you, do you yawn too?]
I don't recall ever noticing someone yawn before. I yawn frequently even when I'm not around other people, so I don't think that has anything to do with it.
2. if someone has a bit of food on the LEFT side of their face, do you point to the LEFT side of your face to show them where it is (opposite), or do you point to the RIGHT side (like a mirror)?
I probably wouldn't notice if someone has food on their face. If I did, I probably wouldn't tell them, and I sure as heck wouldn't point to a spot on my own face. I never would have thought to do something like that to begin with, much less which side.
Remember, all atrocities begin in a sensible place.