I have one close friend. He calls me daily. All we talk about is anxiety, humour and our obsessions. I have a lot of trouble hanging out with extroverts because they expect you to do social "stuff". Even my girlfriends/spouse were very difficult to live with because they couldn't find stuff to do on their own; whereas for me, I love doing stuff on my own. Sometimes I feel pressured to do stuff with them because they seem to need to do stuff with people/me or else they seem bored/agitated. I like this introvert quote:
"It seems to me, from observing friends, that extraverts seem to draw a lot of their sense of self from the people they spend time with and their relationships, whereas introverts I think draw much more of their sense of self from personal endeavors and thoughts within themselves. I feel like that is the root of the idea of 'peer pressure' and why introverts can't understand why they get picked on for being different. It seems like extraverts really need the people around them to reflect themselves or they feel uncomfortable and conflicted, or that they look to others to help them define who they are. Whereas my introverted friends and I have often commiserated about people not being able to just let us be different and move on.
I never understood how other people doing something could make someone want to do it too. I always knew exactly what I liked or thought apart from whatever people told me. I liked sharing my interests, but when I met with someone who thought differently than me it didn't make me reconsider myself...It's almost like extraverts discover and access their interests through other people, while introverts discover and access people through their interests - they each have a different base or starting point. As for myself, I don't just feel like I've lost energy, but I actually feel like I've lost touch with myself, like I'm not fully living, when I spend too much time interacting with others, and too little time tending my root - that is, my interests."