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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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04 Aug 2006, 2:12 pm

It is a big chance that I have some autism disorder. I know that obsession is one of aspie/autistic traits. It is when you like one thing and want get more and more information about it and discuss with other people about that thing. But I think that I do not have obsession. It is hard to me to take interest on something. I can't concentrate. It is quite unpleasant situation, because I don't get pleasure from talking with other people and also do not get pleasure from taking interest on something. Sometimes it is interesting to me to know new things but I must do one's utmost if I want to concentrate. That is the same in the university where is hard to take interest. Is there something with similar problem? And what I could do in order to improve my life?


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04 Aug 2006, 2:29 pm

Yeah I have inattentive ADD (ADHD-I) I feel it makes my mind scatter brained and I
have many minor obsessions(that most would not see as obsessions). There was no
question as a young kid I was obsessed with lego building bricks. I know what your asking is there a better dx than asperger to understand your problems. Well maybe
but I doubt the treatment options will differ(if social skills is your main problem).
Do you feel you have ADHD?

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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04 Aug 2006, 2:45 pm

I think that I have AS. But my problem is that I can not find things which could be interesting to me. I want to get pleasure from getting and analyzing information, because I can not get pleasure in neurotypical ways


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04 Aug 2006, 2:56 pm

ruudvandrago wrote:
I think that I have AS. But my problem is that I can not find things which could be interesting to me. I want to get pleasure from getting and analyzing information, because I can not get pleasure in neurotypical ways

Well my theory was that you do have ADHD-I . People with ADHD can have extreme social skills problems just like AS people. Having ADHD could explain
not getting pleasure from many situations. Anyway if you did have ADHD a stimulant medication might help you.


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06 Aug 2006, 4:26 pm

I can relate. I've recently found out I've probably got AS. I don't really have any obsessive interests, and don't care much about anything. At the moment I'm just existing, and my life feels rather pointless and boring.

I've realized there's a good chance I'll won't be able to have a meaningful relationship with another person, so lately I've been thinking if there are other ways I can give some meaning to my life.

I understand working with helping other people can feel meaningful (volunteer work, politics, environmentalism etc.). Personally I can't really relate to other people, so I'm thinking of getting a dog, or even start working with animals in some way. Maybe that could work for you as well.


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07 Aug 2006, 9:21 am

I think perhaps you're trying too hard to find something you like and trying to find something you will immediately become interested? Sometimes when you look too hard, you may feel like you can't enjoy something because you place pressure on yourself to "like" something straight away.

I think "obsession" might be the wrong term here, because it sounds like you are referring to an interest in which you can take an avid interest. Maybe "intense interest"?

Anyways, from my personal experience, my intense interests have happened without me even realising it. I'm currently very, VERY interested with a game called Anarchy Online, and I never intended it to become an intense interest. I just wanted to play an online game because when I first started with the game, I had just obtained broadband, I'd never played an online-based graphical game before and AO was available for free. The "intense interest" thing just happened.

So maybe you can relax more and try to enjoy some activities...who knows, maybe you'll stumble onto something which will have your intense interest.

I'm not a health professional, but if you are still concerned at your lack of enjoyment in activities and life, it might be worth speaking to a doctor about depression [if you haven't already].

Said the apple to the orange,
"Oh, I wanted you to come
Close to me and
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Think you're ASD? Get thee to a professional!


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07 Aug 2006, 11:18 am

I agree with SmallFruitSong about stumbling upon intense interests. I became interested in the theory side of music when my clarinet teacher began teaching me theory, and since then that's developed into an intense interest of anything musical. It wasn't planned; I had no idea I was actually musical as such, but it just happened. Likewise with medical things - I'd always been curious about hearing / deafness etc, and so when i discovered that I could research using the internet, it became an interest. then by following links to other medical things on the pages, I found I was very much interested. And so it's now developed into an intense interest :D

If you find something that vaguely interests you, go for it and see what happens. But if not, don't feel you have to find something - chances are you will when you least expect it.

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10 Aug 2006, 2:37 pm

As an aspie, I think this situation applies to me. During my leisure time, I play video games, listen to music, and watch wrestling just for fun and relaxation, BUT they never became my obsessions/intense interests. All that time, I've been kinda too lazy to check out magazines or information on the Net about video games, music, and wrestling. I try to push myself to make those 3 things my interests but it's not been that easy for me. I just dunno why, cuz obsession is a trait that I may not have.


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10 Aug 2006, 4:35 pm

I've gone through a one year Darkness, where I wasn't obsessed with anything. My Dark Period had lasted from the 2004 Father's Day Weekend, until Mid-December 2005. I've had Zero obsessions, durring that time.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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10 Aug 2006, 5:31 pm

Sometimes it seems that I am interested in something but that feeling do not continue for a long period of time.
And overall - I have OCD, ADHD and CAPD. What would be next? :P


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13 Aug 2006, 5:28 pm

My obsessive interests - first car models, then prehistoric animals (sorry for being so unoriginal) - were mainly confined to childhood, say, until I was eleven or so. But I still have an obsessive "streak" both for good (can really focus well on a particular subject - though this comes in waves) and bad (obsessive and hopeless crushes, anxieties).

Male, self-diagnosed - so perhaps I really am a mutant.


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23 Aug 2006, 11:26 pm

Do you really have to have a special interest in a particular thing (e.g. sports, music, cars, TV shows) in order to successfully bond w/ others and thus build a successful social life?


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24 Aug 2006, 3:22 pm

tcorrielus wrote:
Do you really have to have a special interest in a particular thing (e.g. sports, music, cars, TV shows) in order to successfully bond w/ others and thus build a successful social life?

Actually obsessions sometimes get in the way of relationships (if you bore your friends to death with it, like I do).
Or do you mean a common interest with the person?

I didn't even know I had obsessions until I read about Asperger's. I thought everyone started reading everything within reach about a topic when they liked it.


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24 Aug 2006, 3:32 pm

Auspie interests tend to change rather drastically and as others have pointed out its not uncommon to go periods with no interests at all.

For 4 years I was interested in video games then 2 years of programming interest 6 months ago I got interested in japanese animation and Im still on that watching videos about 8 hours a day.. Im starting to run out of series now so thats going to have to stop soon blah.

In any case dont try to force it.. interests will come and go and develop naturally without your intervention and usually without much notice on your part just go with the flow do what you currently enjoy and dont worry about it.


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24 Aug 2006, 3:52 pm

I'm an Aspie, but have never had any real obsessions which made the diagnosis especially difficult. What helped secure the diagnosis was the fact that I had epilepsy as an infant that caused me delays in speech. Without that, I doubt that I would be considered to have AS.

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