I have deja-vu all the time. It's a strange phenomenon. A good example would be when I watch a TV show or movie that, before I watch it, I _know_ I haven't seen before. Or if I visit a place that I _know_ I've never visited before. But within moments, it feels like I've definitely seen or done this in the past. It's very strange. My theory is that as my brain is storing the information for the first time, it's falsely storing it as a long-term memory rather than an immediate short-term one. Normally, a memory would gradually become a long-term one, but I think with me, I somehow access it as a memory from the far past immediately, rather than as a memory from just moments ago. Very strange.
I have other weird things, like sometimes I'll see myself get up and walk to the door a split-moment before I actually do it (for example). Again, I think it's just my brain filing things in weird orders. Like, it plays back the memory of me walking to the door immediately after I do it, but then stashes the memory in front of a copy of the memory, so that afterwards, I feel like I saw the action before it happened.
There are always logical explanations. I know nothing unnatural is going on. But it's definitely a very odd feeling at the time.
~I wanna fly high, so I can reach the highest of all the heavens
Somebody will be waiting for me, so I've got to fly higher~