I have this practise of talking to myself. I live in a tower block with flats on both sides of me and two across from me. Also I have a [new] neighbour directly above me. There are no flats on the floor below me as it is the ground floor.
I have this constant compulsion to talk. When I was younger many people would call me 'motor mouth'. Anyway, I am almost always talking to myself whilst at home. It is my way of organising my thoughts and thinking through things, especially things that are awkward. I also give my self pep talks at times. I tend to talk as if I am having a converstion with another person. Sometimes I give sermons or lectures. Once my parents came to visit and my mum thought I had a group of friends over [strange, as I have few friends.]
Anyway, a new neighbour moved in next door to me about a year ago. After about a month of living next door to me he started turning up his stereo. He prefers rap/hip-hop music, which infuriates me for many reasons. He had his music turned up so loud I could hear it in my bedroom. I also could feel the vibration in my lounge. As a result I finally had to rearrange my furniture.
At first I thought maybe he was either being obnoxious or just liked loud music and didn't realise that everyone else in the area also was being subjected to it. Finally, I noticed that the music didn't come on until I started talking to myself. My neighbour who lived (he died about four months ago) in the flat above me started to thump on the floor with some type of object as well. Even after I stoped talking the music would persist usually until later that night.
In an effort to drown out the rap junk from my neighbour I bought a hi-fi with two very large speakers. No, I didn't engage with him in dueling stereos. My speakers play softly and loud but they don't carry. I tested the loudness by going outside my door with it shut. No noise outside my flat! This worked for awhile but then he started turning up the base on his boom box. So I ended up with 'boom boom shake the room' for hours.
After a week of this nonsense I finally went to a local antique shop and purchased a phonograph record of Lotte Lehmann, a classic opera singer whom I like. When I got home I played the record and cranked my stereo for about a minute. That put an end to my neigbours rap and hip-hop for a few days. Alas, this was short lived as he resumed his rap after that. I used the opera record method a few more times which worked temporarily but I was afraid I would be the source of complaints so decided to discontinue with this.
Anyway, I know if I stop talking to myself this problem would go away on its own. I have tried to not talk to myself but it is very difficult. Also, for me it is a coping mechanism that I haven't found an adequate replacement for. I also do this to dispell boredom and loneliness. If I try to talk to my neighbour [not the friendly sort] he will either tell me to bug off or at the most listen but not understand. If I complaint to the manager, it will come back at me as my neighbour will complain that I have been talking to myself almost constantly for the past year. This has also made me increasingly unpopular with other people on my floor.
Recently, after talking to a relative about this [who was aware that I do this], I was informed by the same relative that I start off talking low but then I tend to get louder and louder until I can be heard in the next rooms. I have also been given hints by people to lower my voice when speaking. I don't always realise that my voice is getting louder. To make it worse my voice naturally carries.
So, my question is, what if anything can I/should I do about this?