kraftiekortie wrote:
I'm thinking: if the other anxious person responds positively to your compassion, and her anxiety lessens as a result, wouldn't that aid in YOUR recovery?
Yes it would. I know recovery cant be forced, that patience is necessary and talking about anxiety with her has helped. It just doesn't seem right that because I don't cope well anymore with small anxieties, that she has to moderate her way of being to compensate. I cant live life this way, unless I'm going to be a shut in, you know, relying on others to not trigger my anxious feelings, the world doesn't work like that.
kraftiekortie wrote:
I have found that many people's anxiety revolves around feelings of inadequacy. Your ability to assist in this could, possibly ease YOUR anxiety, thereby "killing two birds with with one stone", so to speak.
It is possible, really this is about my coping mechanisms, perhaps this might be a good time to explore CBT as a stand alone therapy.