I agree with Callista, meds isn't an answer to all, and for AS itself, theres honestly no 'need.'
However, for specific aspects/disorders and stuff meds can be a godsend. Like for anxiety, anti-anxiety can help a tonne, same for anti-depressants and such.
I rebelled taking anti-depressants for my depression for years, finally got on it, first didn't work. Second sorta worked, thens witched to current one, and it is a wonder. Things have picked up so much since then, and it has almost changed my life, so definitely worth it. Even with the restless leg syndrome side-effect.
I also have some anti-anxiety (Clonzepam or w/e it is) stuff for special cases (prescribed fro interviews, because I'd fret over it for weeks in advanced, and nearly pass out during), and while I hate resorting to such things.... it definitely helps. Just last week I had a job interview, was freaking out entire week before, lost hours of sleep, coudln't think of answers to qeustions, couldn't focus on class. Skipped classes that day, and some day before. Took some of the anti-anxiety (low dose) the morning of, and suddenly calmed down, and was able to focus on questions, and think clear minded and not freak out about it. Drove up there, took full dose (rest of it) for it, and went in. It was still really scary, but dealable (helped that they were very nice). And guess what... I GOT THE JOB!! !!
Honestly, if I didn't take those meds, I wouldn't have had the courage to go, and probably would have clammed up on them, and quite possibly passed out on them (I almost passed out on a MOCK interview), so because of them... I was able to get a job out of it.
However, that is all I use them for, I try to deal with life normally otherwise, just extreme circumstances will I resort to medication to help me along.