Having feelings for objects is becoming a big issue for me. I have recently got a new computer, and I've shoved my old one in the bottom of my wardrobe, because I ''feel sorry'' for it, like I would a person. When a house is burning down, I ''feel sorry'' for the house. When a boat sinks I ''feel sorry'' for the boat. It's driving me mad! I feel sorry for people, animals and insects too, but in a different way. Like if someone dies, it makes me cry or feel very sad, and I think about the people left behind and feel so sorry for them (which is normal). But I also feel sorry for objects, but in a different sort of way which is hard to describe, even in my head. Just think of an umbrella, for example. The manufacturers made the umbrella for people to put up when it's raining, to keep them dry, then they put it down again when they get indoors, and put it in a cupboard or something. Some umbrellas have nice patterns or designs on, to make people like them and think they're pretty. But if, say, I saw somebody whacking somebody else over the head with one, I would ''feel sorry'' for it, because it's not meant to be used to whack people over the head with. It's meant to keep you dry on rainy days. That's what the manufacturers made it for. It's just an innocent umbrella, used to give people the full benefit against rain. And as for the person being whacked over the head with the umbrella, I would feel sorry for them too, and I would feel like saving the person and the umbrella. Ohh, it's too complicated to explain!