Technic1 wrote:
And what other ‘Ages’ have there been?
How long will the Information Age last?
There was the stone age, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Age of Discovery, the Age of Faith, the Age of Reason, the guilded age etc. But these "ages" of history are not all comparable to each other (peaches mixed with pears).
The way I see it all ages were information ages. The differences are in how the information is accessed and conveyed.
Writing was invented in 3000 BC so recorded history began, but only the elite of any society had access to writing until....GUTENBURG invented movable type in circa AD 1450 enabling books and periodicals to be mass produced (and thus consumable by the public).
Printing spread like wildfire, and the history of early printing entrepreneurs in 15th century Europe reads much like the history of Jobs and Gates of our lifetimes.
The printed page ruled from 1450 until the eve of the First World War. In those first few years of the twentieth Centurey prior to the First World War you had inventors like Edison, Tesla, Marconi, etc invent a whole slew of electronic devices to record, store, and to convey, information. Wax records, and movie film, radio. Between the wars they put sound into movies, combined movies with radio to invent TV, and invented radar.
Thus began what I call the "Analog Age", or "the Edisonian Age".
That era thrived until the Eighties when digital media began to overthrow analog in everything including computers themselves.
So today we are deep into the digital age.
So its the PreGutenburg Age (3000 BC to 1450 AD), the Gutenburg Age (1450 to circa 1915), The Analog/Edisonian Age (1915 until circa 1990) and the current Digital Age (1990 to now, and it will go on till whenever). Dont see any end to the digital age.
Last edited by naturalplastic on 25 May 2021, 2:59 am, edited 1 time in total.