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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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15 Jun 2011, 7:36 am

How true are those stereotypes painted by the media to portray people with this condition ive found that most have all this defining negative features:

Narcissistic as hell thinking their better,more intelligence than everyone else.


Obsessive to the point of almost insanity

learning disability of some kind

Slowed Speech speak in riddles etc


Rigid routine where any change results in meltdown

Childish/immature behaviors


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15 Jun 2011, 8:07 am

That's just not fair. Overly stereotyped description. NTs can be so bad too. But, I can see how it may appear to some true, always by superficial experience, of course. Some may see it as being humorous or pathetic. It is pathetic, nevertheless...

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15 Jun 2011, 8:52 am

crazycrazytom wrote:
Narcissistic as hell thinking their better,more intelligence than everyone else.

Someone accused me of thinking I'm smarter than everyone else. I don't.

crazycrazytom wrote:

Obsessive to the point of almost insanity

Sometimes, this.


Rigid routine where any change results in meltdown

Childish/immature behaviors[/quote]

Sometimes, I am lonely and a bit childish, although not fully immature. Rigid routine? Hell no!


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15 Jun 2011, 9:23 am

Well first of all, these stereotypes do not apply to all of us. Rather, many in general only apply to minorities within the group being stereotyped.

Some of these stereotypes are actually fairly accurate. A lot of us, from what I've seen, are lonely. A lot of us are obsessive and have a rigid routine. However, on the flip side, some of us do not have these, but instead have different things consistent with AS. A lot of stereotypes are false for the vast majority of people on the spectrum, and these falsities only escalate all the more online and result in uninformed people jumping to conclusions and tarring the whole group with the same brush.

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15 Jun 2011, 9:34 am

Those stereotypes are BS. Every media is biased. There is no such thing unbiased media. Even if you post the truth, you might not be posting the whole truth. If you take a picture you might not be taking other important pictures in other places. Therefore the media should not always be trusted.


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15 Jun 2011, 9:59 am

I've met people on the spectrum who fit your description perfectly... however I've met plenty who don't. It depends on the person.

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15 Jun 2011, 10:00 am

gailryder17 wrote:
Someone accused me of thinking I'm smarter than everyone else. I don't.

I was recently told be someone that I was one of the smartest people they've ever met and I was dumbfounded. I've never perceived myself this way and I never 'measure' other people's intelligence. But I don't attenuate my intelligence well so I think I often come off as a pretentious ass. People don't understand that I genuinely CAN'T express my thoughts any other way. So this might appear narcissistic.

WRT the opening posts, all of those stereotypes are based in actual autistic traits. But they are almost never all present in the same individual to the degree the stereotype implies.

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15 Jun 2011, 11:57 am

Those stereotypes represent the NT inability to see things in any other way other than through their own frame of reference.

NT -Narcissistic as hell thinking their better,more intelligence than everyone else.
AS - unable to recognise that others do not think as they do and assume everyone shares their interests and intelligence

NT -Selfish
AS - difficulty recognising the needs of others yet, when they can, usually very thoughtful and giving

NT -Obsessive to the point of almost insanity
AS - most NT's consider it insane to CHOOSE reading a book over going out on a Friday night... different priorities and perspectives. (OCD aside)

NT- learning disability of some kind
AS - sometimes yes, sometimes no - slow responses do not indicate a lack of intelligence

NT - Slowed Speech speak in riddles etc
AS - more thought needs to be put into responses and often times those repsonses are misinterpretted thus thought to be purposefully obtuse

NT - Lonely
AS - sometimes yes, sometimes no - same as with NT's

NT - Rigid routine where any change results in meltdown
AS - sometimes yes, more prevalent in childhood - over applied stereotype to be sure

NT - Childish/immature behaviors
AS - blissful lack of social context let's people just be people without regard to the rigid expectations of the 'adult' world. Basically - so what?

The greatest difference here - AS can learn all of these things to varying degrees. Asking an NT to unlearn their rigid thinking and preprogrammed responses and biases is very unlikely.


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15 Jun 2011, 12:16 pm

crazycrazytom wrote:
How true are those stereotypes painted by the media to portray people with this condition ive found that most have all this defining negative features:

1, False: I'm not narcissistic. There are plenty of people who are far smarter than me in the world. I'm also not conceited about my talents.

2, maybe: My parents called me selfish since I can remember. But then my mom was probably a narcissist, & dad has always been self-centered. So if I really am selfish, I learned it from my parents. Ah the irony. I probably have my moments, but I try to take care of others as needed too, not just my own needs or wants.

3, true: I am definitely obsessive. Especially when it comes to my SIs.

4, true: I do have learning disabilities, I just do my best to compensate for them.

5, false: I can speak slowly but I can also speak quickly too.

6, true: Been lonely all my life, not sure if this fact will ever change. On the other hand, I do like being by myself. I need that time. I can take being around people in small increments.

7, true: I prefer sticking to a routine. It's easier for me to stay on task. I do get upset when I'm interrupted.

8, true: I would say I am less mature than other women in my age group. I consider myself too old to be truly childish. I've dealt with plenty of people who are though. Imagine, adults throwing temper tantrums when they don't get their way. :roll:

I fit at least 5 out of 8. While I think it's bad for people to always think of Rainman as someone who represents anyone on the spectrum. There are consistencies among those who are on the spectrum. That said, I think it's a bad idea to lump everyone into one idea because we all have differences. It would be like saying that if you've met one NT, you've met them all. It's just not right to pigeon hole anyone like that.


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15 Jun 2011, 3:23 pm

crazycrazytom wrote:
Narcissistic as hell thinking their better,more intelligence than everyone else.

Not narcissistic at all. I don't think I'm better then other people, but I am smarter then the majority.

crazycrazytom wrote:


crazycrazytom wrote:
Obsessive to the point of almost insanity


crazycrazytom wrote:
learning disability of some kind


crazycrazytom wrote:
Slowed Speech speak in riddles etc

I do talk slow, but it's so I can think of what I'm saying as I say it.

crazycrazytom wrote:

Yep, but that has nothing to do with AS

crazycrazytom wrote:
Rigid routine where any change results in meltdown

I don't like sudden changes but I don't meltdown over them.

crazycrazytom wrote:
Childish/immature behaviors

Sometimes, but I think that pretty much everyone acts that way sometimes.

I don't know where you came up with this list at but it's pretty flawed.

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15 Jun 2011, 5:02 pm

It is very stereotypical, and I really do hate stereotypes like that. I hope no one thinks of me this way when they find out I have autism.

I am very autistic, but I don't think I exhibit all of these:

crazycrazytom wrote:
Narcissistic as hell thinking their better,more intelligence than everyone else.

I don't think I am better than ANYONE and never have. I can't ever remember liking myself.

crazycrazytom wrote:

I can be self-centered sometimes, but not at the expense of other people.

crazycrazytom wrote:
Obsessive to the point of almost insanity

I have obsessions, but I am not insane.

crazycrazytom wrote:
learning disability of some kind

I have some learning differences, but not a disability: I have a GPA of 3.8 in a wide variety of subjects.

crazycrazytom wrote:
Slowed Speech speak in riddles etc

I don't even get on earth could I speak in them? My speech is not slow per se, but hesitant when I try to think of what to say next. Maybe that is what you meant though.

crazycrazytom wrote:

Yeah, sometimes I am this.

crazycrazytom wrote:
Rigid routine where any change results in meltdown

I am rigid and I have a routine. Some changes do result in meltdowns, but not ALL changes.

crazycrazytom wrote:
Childish/immature behaviors

Yeah, I do sort of have this one actually. I didn't realize it before, and still don't always realize it, but I am definitely behind a lot of other people my age like that. Still I have also been told I seem "old" as well, I was more adult-like when I was a kid.