My favorite electronics:
1) Mesh Titan 500GB HD, 2GB RAM, dual graphics cards, subwoofer speakers, CD-RW/DVD etc (couldn't live without my power PC)
2) Archos 20GB GMini402 Portable Media Player, and Creative Zen Touch 20GB MP3 Player (also couldn't live without)
3) Nintendo DS (ZooKeeper addict)
4) Siemens C54 cellphone (ANCIENT and useless model, but I still love it)
5) All my other gadgets (mainly consoles - SNES, N64, GameCube, Playstation, Dreamcast, GBA, GBA SP... I have many). Oh! And my binary wrist watch. I love my cool binary wrist watch. And my flatscreen TV.
~I wanna fly high, so I can reach the highest of all the heavens
Somebody will be waiting for me, so I've got to fly higher~