For some reason, no matter how Aspergers a person acts, I can always tell who is one. They don't even have to be diagnosed for me to tell. They could act completely normal and I'll still be able to tell, I've noticed other Aspies who were only diagnosed with ADD or ADHD or nothing at all. And it doesn't take that long for me to tell. An aspie just has to say a few words to me before I can tell, sometimes I can tell even before they talk. I really don't know what gives it away, maybe it's their voice or how they move, but somehow when I meet another aspie something inside me just screams "ASPERGERS!! !! !! !! !!" Seriously, I really do scream that inside my head
Sometimes I get into awkward situations because of this, like when I was in camp I was talking to other campers about how I cold tell the counselor has Aspergers and she overheard me. I had to try to explain to her what Aspergers was, but I couldn't figure out how to explain it in a way that won't sound bad so she asked another counselor what it was and had it explained to her in detail scientifically. Yeah, that's not really how to describe Aspergers without someone saying in their head "WHAT?! !! !! ! They think I'm AUTISTIC?????"
Does any other aspie do this?
Would you happen to live in Eastern Washington? I bet it'd be cheaper to pay you to diagnose me than a psychiatrist, lol.