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Snowy Owl
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22 Jun 2011, 2:00 pm

So before I got the diagnosis of Asperger's, I had been told I had a high pain threshold by many sources. I once ruptured my patellor tendon in my knee playing basketball, and played a few more games and waited a while to get it looked at because I thought it was just an ache. I ended up with a debridement surgery. I once was in bike crash, and also ended up playing basketball afterwards. I thought I just had a little road rash, and had an opportunity to toughen up. Months later my students told me my wrist was the wrong color, and it was green/purple. Turned out it was broken, the fourth time I had done that. Most recently, I ruptured my achilles playing basketball. I thought it was a high ankle sprain or low calf strain, so I stretched it out, walked it off, etc, and tried to play more. I couldn't. I went home and iced it for a few days, figuring it would get better. I almost didn't go to the doctor, thinking he'd laugh at a little ankle sprain. He was shocked I had been walking on a ruptured achilles for half a week. I also wouldn't go to an orthopedist when he wanted me to that day because I had a group presentation. He didn't get how I could handle that pain. I ended up getting achilles surgery later that week.

All of these incidents did hurt. There was pain involved. Some people say fight through the pain or no pain no gain, and I took it to heart. Others say there are different kinds of pain, so know the kind you have.

Do I have a high pain threshold, or do I just not know the different kinds of pain?

Can anyone relate?

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22 Jun 2011, 2:32 pm

Pain don't hurt.


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22 Jun 2011, 2:34 pm

I am totally different I have increased nociception on the inside...

but outside pains like cuts and burns don't pain at all..

Last edited by pree10shun on 22 Jun 2011, 2:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sea Gull
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22 Jun 2011, 2:44 pm

I think you have a high pain threshold if you don't feel any pain from serious injury.

I've never had any serious injuries like you; so I wouldn't really know how high my pain thresh hold is. I do get a lot of mysterious bruises and cuts that I have no clue how they got there. I generally don't feel any pain when it comes to cuts and bruises.


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22 Jun 2011, 2:55 pm

I am bad with pain.

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22 Jun 2011, 3:01 pm

As for me, I have high threshold of pain as long as I can prepare to it mentally, for example, being at a dentist, otherwise I can be sensitive.

I'm insensitive to injuries sometimes, but wouldn't take as much of it as you did without seeing a doctor. I fell over on my bike a few times, and although I've never fractured my bones, I have had some really bad bruises on my body. After the initial shock was gone I was always able to cycle further without help.

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22 Jun 2011, 4:33 pm

Sometimes. I once broke my arm joint and the arm felt funny and it hurt when I move it but I dealt with it and I went into ER when the pain got bad because the pain didn't go away.

I went into labor and didn't even know it. It just felt like bad period cramps and constipation except stronger when they got worse at midnight. But yet I was still walking and talking.

I also get lot of bruises on me too and I don't even know where they come from. I don't know if they come from me being thin and I have found cuts on me after shaving. They have hurt before but they don't seem to hurt anymore.

Everyone handles pain differently and I used to think high pain threshold meant you feel no pain but it actually means you can deal with it well because you don't feel it as much. Plus everyone feels pain differently and handles it differently.

But as a kid I fell down a lot and cried because it hurt and I can pull my hand away automatically if I touch something that is hot. But by the time I was 11, it didn't hurt as much simply because I got used to it.


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22 Jun 2011, 5:20 pm

I feel pain but I habitually ignore it. I think I have a high tolerance for it.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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22 Jun 2011, 6:09 pm

I think I have a fairly high pain threshold, but I don't think mines so high that I wouldn't notice a broken wrist 8O
I was at work once and I got a tray out of the oven with a tea towel and the heat went through it and it was burning me but I managed to get it to counter before I put it down. The people I work with thought I was a weirdo because I didn't drop it immediately and they totally overreacted, got the first aider to come down and made me sit out the back with this disgusting smelling burn gel on my fingers, it was rank.
Also I've got a few piercings and a tattoo and I didn't think they hurt as much as people describe.

League_Girl wrote:
I went into labor and didn't even know it. It just felt like bad period cramps and constipation except stronger when they got worse at midnight. But yet I was still walking and talking.

Wow that's pretty immense, didn't you even notice your waters break?


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22 Jun 2011, 6:34 pm

I think I have a pretty high pain threshold...

When I was 3 my dad accidentally closed my finger in the door--he tried to close it several times and didn't realize I had my finger in the hing. I don't remember this at all but apparently I didn't cry at all when it happened. My right middle finger is still slightly longer than the left one!

When I was in Kindergarten I tripped and hit my head on a coffee table. I ended up having to get 20 stitches over my eye but I never cried or anything, I really don't even remember it hurting... just bleeding.

In 3rd grade I accidentally cut my left middle finger nail in half when I was making a model. That didn't hurt but I do remember trying to get past my Grandma to wash out the cut without her noticing... she noticed! (The blood dripping on the floor was probably a dead giveaway!)

In highschool I got my wisdom teeth pulled and decided I should go play tennis a couple hours later. I got really dizzy and nearly passed out playing though. :roll:

I've burnt my fingers/hands many times similar to kezzieb story. I guess that can kind of hurt, but its just more annoying than painful. I kind of like touching hot things to see how long I can touch them for without burning myself.


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22 Jun 2011, 8:12 pm

I've cut myself and not noticed until the room looked like the set of a CSI eppisode. I had my wisdom teeth removed with a local and my mother had to force me to "take it easy" for the next week. I had a hystorectomy and NO pain meds. The only thing that bothered me was this stupid cathader that was too big. It was the worst pain I've ever expirenced in my life. I The nurses thought I was having a heart attack but when they finnaly removed it, my pulse went back to normal.

The actual insision from the surgery didn't phase me at all and I went home the very next day. I never had a SINGLE pain med for the surgery itself. I think I could have endured it with no anestesia at all. The only expirences I've found truely painful were when my bladder was full and my stupid teacher wouldn't let me go to the bathroom. I had accidents all the time. The worst pain I've ever expirenced was when that stupid cathader was in my bladder. I was litteraly screaming it hurt so much and I was starting to hullicinate. If my mom didn't demand for them to take it out, my personaity probably would have split. If I ever have to have another abdominal surgery I will not have it unless I can make them put it in writing that they will not use a cathader. I will die of a ruptured apendix or gall bladder before I put up with that sh** again. Aside from that, itchy sensations are the most painful to me.

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22 Jun 2011, 8:22 pm

I have heard that people with AS often have a higher or lower pain threshold than average. I have a high pain threshold, but it's kind of strange, some pain hurts more than other types of pain. For example, someone pulling my hair is no big deal, but I can only clap my hands for a very short period of time before it starts to hurt and I have to stop. I can recall being at concerts where people were clapping, many were able to clap throughout a whole 3 and half minute song and I was only able to clap for the first verse. I find the same with other types of hand pain as well.

Tufted Titmouse
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22 Jun 2011, 9:31 pm

Pain for me, if pain is concentrated in one small spot, it hurts like crap. Falling on the ground and hitting my head doesn't hurt as much as a needle....or maybe that's because I never grew out of my fear for needles. I hate them with a strong passion.

Snowy Owl
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22 Jun 2011, 10:34 pm

I just realised while I was training in my boxing club at college that I have a high pain tolerance. I would psyche myself up my hitting myself in the head, and people would remark how hard I hit myself, one of my teachers said I might get a brain aneurism doing that. Also, as long as I can remember, I never screamed or showed emotions when I was in intense pain. The last time I cried over a broken bone was when I was 3 and broke my elbow. Also, I played football in high school and got banged up quite a bit, broke a few finger bones, plus got some nasty bruises and cuts, but never showed emotions, and never stopped playing. Now, if only I had a healing factor and can get my hands on a adamantium skeleton, I can finallly become a superhero.


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23 Jun 2011, 2:26 am

yup; high tolerance here too; pain just doesn't hurt or even fase me.
i dont even remember how often i got a ball (volly, basket, soccer, ...) against my head at full speed. everyone that saw that almost fainted from 'empathy-pain' but i just shook my head and kept going.
although; when it comes to light, unexpected touches; it's like i'm on fire (in the bad way), so i think someone connected the cables in reverse...


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23 Jun 2011, 3:09 am

I remember the time I got hit in the head by a softball while I was up to bat. My face stung a little but it wasn't bad and I didn't even get knocked down.

I remember the time I was at work and I was putting dirty linen in bins and I was using the medal bar to get the laundry down and the linen started to fall and I let go of the bar and it hit me in the head. The pain felt really weird and I felt my head for bleeding but there was none. I was scared that I may have had an head injury I got home and told my husband about it. He looked in my eyes and said I don't seem to have one. I asked how he knew and he said my pupils are still normal and even. I never went to the hospital to get it checked out nor ever told work.

One time I got a wart on my toe and I went to the doctor to get it frozen and the doctor told me what I would be feeling as he freezes it and after wards. As he was freezing it, I felt nothing until he was done and it stung I could hardly walk on it and then I could and then the pain was done after I got to my car.