"No, aspergers doesn't exist, he's just naive"

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28 Aug 2006, 8:29 am

Above are the exact words of my 9th grade english teacher/ special ed director. as i have said in previous threads, high school was next to hell for me. In ninth grade i had just been dx'd and my dear sweet mother was just learning about the debilitating disease herself, at my first high school meeting, we (my mother and I) explained AS to school personnel in applying for 504 protections (U.S.) He denied services saying i was just naive, for me i did not understand, i was 14, just coming off wrongly prescribed anti-depressants, and was right in the middle of the homone stages of adolescence, so from 12 to 15, i was constantly thinking, "What?" This teacher recommended pysch help for both of us. Thank God I transferd after a year and a half. The sp-ed director at the other school was gifted in understanding people with ASD's, She helped me so much. I would never have graduated because of her.

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28 Aug 2006, 8:42 am

thechadmaster wrote:
Above are the exact words of my 9th grade english teacher/ special ed director. as i have said in previous threads, high school was next to hell for me. In ninth grade i had just been dx'd and my dear sweet mother was just learning about the debilitating disease herself, at my first high school meeting, we (my mother and I) explained AS to school personnel in applying for 504 protections (U.S.) He denied services saying i was just naive, for me i did not understand, i was 14, just coming off wrongly prescribed anti-depressants, and was right in the middle of the homone stages of adolescence, so from 12 to 15, i was constantly thinking, "What?" This teacher recommended pysch help for both of us. Thank God I transferd after a year and a half. The sp-ed director at the other school was gifted in understanding people with ASD's, She helped me so much. I would never have graduated because of her.

Well I'm 36 and if you asked me about ADHD for example maybe only a few months
ago I might have thought something like "those kids just need to be wipped". Now
that I have studies it and know I have ADHD I understand how dumb I was. What
if I never studied the issue or did not have ADHD would I still be a dumba$$ and think a kid could be wipped into shape.

Now for a real bashing. The personel at school are way way way below the pay
grade to make a meaningfull statment if you have asperger. I do not fully understand what your point is but if you have a case save $5000 and hire a lawyer.


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28 Aug 2006, 9:49 am

First off, the time for legal action would have been when the person was in the 9th grade, not now. Of course, now your mother would have legal recourse due to a Federal Court decision made in the State of Maine earlier this year.

As far as the topic at hand, you will have many people that say that, even after you tell them what the disorder is. People do not understand ASDs beyond the Rain Man information they have been fed. Years ago, it was even worse.

Louis J Bouchard
Rochester Minnesota

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28 Aug 2006, 10:11 am

"No, aspergers doesn't exist, he's just naive"


He was too stupid to comprehend it so had to blow it off as not possable.


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28 Aug 2006, 10:13 am

my ex voc rehab councelor told me they didn't know about aspergers when i was in school and thats why they didn't help me with it


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28 Aug 2006, 11:46 am

I met a primary school teacher who thought dyslexia didn't exist. It was ten years ago, though - I suspect less was known then about learning and neurological disabilities. But even so, you'd think people who work with children would want to be up to date on such things.

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28 Aug 2006, 11:53 am

thechadmaster wrote:
Above are the exact words of my 9th grade english teacher/ special ed director. as i have said in previous threads, high school was next to hell for me. In ninth grade i had just been dx'd and my dear sweet mother was just learning about the debilitating disease herself, at my first high school meeting, we (my mother and I) explained AS to school personnel in applying for 504 protections (U.S.) He denied services saying i was just naive, for me i did not understand, i was 14, just coming off wrongly prescribed anti-depressants, and was right in the middle of the homone stages of adolescence, so from 12 to 15, i was constantly thinking, "What?" This teacher recommended pysch help for both of us. Thank God I transferd after a year and a half. The sp-ed director at the other school was gifted in understanding people with ASD's, She helped me so much. I would never have graduated because of her.
:x GRRRRRRRRR I get that outside of school settings a lot. It really makes me MAD.


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28 Aug 2006, 3:59 pm

I got that from the few people I told, except it was "shy" instead of naïve.
Also, that I was trying to be "special".


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28 Aug 2006, 5:03 pm

A**eholes like that can't be bothered to accept this kind of thing. They think it's some lame excuse or they don't want to learn about it. Stoopid teachers. My 6th grade teacher was like that. He was an a**e anyway. That kind of s**t makes me mad. :x


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28 Aug 2006, 6:29 pm

I volunteer to do taxes at the senior citizen center and met some real morons who used to be teachers and they weren't over 70 years old. They didn't have a clue what was going on in th world.

My sister was the 90's soccer mom and went on feild trips with the kids and got to know some of the teachers pretty good and said some of the woman where just way out in lala land.

A former teacher is on my towns council,the woman is brain dead.

an uneducated idiot isn't as bad as an educated idiot,the one with the education can't be told nothing,at least the idiot who didn't go to college might listen to somebody

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28 Aug 2006, 6:41 pm

Okay, not all teachers are that bad.


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28 Aug 2006, 7:12 pm

Solution: raise teacher salaries and increase teacher testing requirements.

That would cause smart people to want to be teachers instead of business persons or engineers, because they could get the same or better money. And the stupid people would be filtered out by the higher test requirements.


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28 Aug 2006, 7:35 pm

xon wrote:
Solution: raise teacher salaries and increase teacher testing requirements.

That would cause smart people to want to be teachers instead of business persons or engineers, because they could get the same or better money. And the stupid people would be filtered out by the higher test requirements.

You have fallen for the union propaganda hook,line & sinker. :(

The charter school in my town pays way below union scale and produced better test scores than the highly paid union schools.

Big bucks will just attract money hungry upper middle class people who's daddy can afford to buy them a fancy degree from an Ivy League school. Muffy will roll into the school yard in her Japuar and be like a creature from another planet trying to relate to urban or blue collar kids.

Her bloated sense of self worth an ego that she is God's gift to planet earth and knows everything will prevent her from ever dreaming she might be doing something wrong and she will just throw info and assignments at the children and if the results aren't good will blame it on their home enviroment and their parents not doing their job.

If a parent meets with her,she will look down her rich nose at them and talk down to them and never hear a word they say.

More money will buy the most arrogant people walking the face of the earth. Intelligance doesn't matter,as long as they are smarter than a child thats all it takes to teach a child what they know.

kids can sniff out pople who come from money and if they are children of working class or poor people,their tacher isn't a roll model,she is somebody from another planet. The best roll model is a teacher from their own enviroment so they will think they too can get ahaed in life like teach did.


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28 Aug 2006, 9:04 pm

If I was there, I'd probably start laughing at him, and generally antagonizing him.

"You're not a special education teacher, you're an opinionated loud mouthed arrogant sh*thead that likes to talk big so people don't realize how small you are. It'd actually be pretty cute if you weren't being so destructive."

So it's probably a good thing I wasn't :P

Anyone in special education that doesn't realize that everyone is different has no business being there. I mean, would you put someone from the KKK in charge of race relations?

everyone is valuable, and has something to contribute. And if they realize it, they're a lot more likely to.