I tend to find that I can spot most people when they Lie, they give it away by the fact that their lips are moving and sound is coming from their mouth.
What I find hard to grasp is what they are trying to gain by lying, I understand and know of the "social" type of lies, and the "it’s best to not tell the kids" , but the rest of the Machiavellian type, I, for the life of me, cannot get my head around it. “If I tell Tom X then he’ll think Dick did Y so he’ll tell Harry that Z is not true, and they’ll all think I’m great. “what a freaking waste of time. And everyone seems to play this game. but it make no one happy, and once you start it you cannot stop!
WHY!! Just get a life tell the truth and be happy.
I think that people expect to be lied to, so much in fact, that when you don’t them lie , they Translate what you say in to a lie for you.
Kind of ---I asked Tadpole did he like my new dress, and he said “It’s ok but the blue one looks much better”, ---so what he really means is he hates the dress it makes you look huge, and the Blue dress is better because no one will recognise you in it”--- When what Tadpole means is exactly what he bloody well said “ he like the dress but likes the blue dress better “