mb1984 wrote:
I'm not sure if it's what you mean...but when I worked if I was bored or stressed I would get these attacks where I was SO exhausted. It was as if I had been drugged, I sometimes would literally have to take a break and put my head down for a rest. I would yawn uncontrollably and my eyes would water, I was distracted and dizzy and disoriented. All I could think about was how tired I was. Sometimes I get a similar feeling at/shortly after social events.
I think that sounds like what I'm talking about. It can come on kind of suddenly (or also be a dull aching sort of feeling), but when it hits, it's hard to ignore.
I've been in class before taking notes when I had a sleep attack. When I woke up, I found that I'd been writing gibberish that ran off the page.

I seriously tried everything I could to stay awake, too. I'd brought gum, I tried pinching myself, tried to stay interested, etc... but it caught up to me before the end of the class.
I think falling asleep is a fairly normal and I've heard other students talk about it. But it doesn't just happen in class. I get it pretty bad when I'm out and about, too.
I think maybe it's just that my brain goes right into sleep mode when its got too much information to deal with. Maybe it's a good thing, actually... I've been seeing all of these TV programs that suggest that sleep helps you learn. Perhaps I'm learning secretly while asleep.

Though, of course, I'd rather the nap attacks come at a more proper time. And not when I'm out trying to do something important. xD
I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.
Last edited by syrella on 01 Jul 2011, 10:41 am, edited 1 time in total.