zokor001 wrote:
i got it and i feel that we are mentally ret*d since we cannot really think. That we need to be very kognitiv .
Emotionally ret*d, perhaps. Socially ret*d - yes, pretty much by definition. Mentally ret*d - no. As others have already said, to get an Asperger's diagnosis, a person has to have an IQ of at least "normal."
zokor001 wrote:
do you think asperger people can be good programmers or they have hard time since they cannot really think....
um. Asperger's is often referred to as "Geek Syndrome" because programmers are so stereotypically Aspie. Programming is something that is well suited to the logical tendencies of many people with Asperger's.
zokor001 wrote:
what do you think of an asperger...
what can asperger people be really good at i quess something very primitive
Aspies tend to be very,
very good at learning things that interest them. If one is interested in mathematics, or music, or sculpture, or anthropology, or . . . whatever, they tend to - eventually - become very good at it. Because of the social issues that come with Asperger's, it's unlikely that you will find a successful politician, or some other profession which requires extremely good social skills. Other than that, I can't think of anything that an Asperger's diagnosis would rule out - and I wouldn't say that NO aspie could ever learn the skills required. It would just be most unusual.
If I may, I'd suggest that you google "asperger's," or "asperger's traits" and take time to do some reading, as you seem to have some very inaccurate ideas of what Asperger's is.