Do you picture yourself as a raging bull when you're angry?

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03 Jul 2011, 10:52 am

I do. Right now I'm not in the best of moods, and I'm sitting here thinking, ''I'm not in a happy mood and I will shout at anyone who gets in my way'', and I almost feel like a raging bull. I bet my family probably do aswell. I picture myself as a big, brown bull, huffing and puffing and growling, ready to charge. Anyone else feel the same when you're feeling mad (usually for no reason)?



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03 Jul 2011, 10:58 am

No I am like a baby.. I start crying when I am very angry..


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03 Jul 2011, 11:06 am

When I am really mad I actually turn into El Toro :P.

Yep, as a kid I went raging like a bull; screaming, foaming mouth, pumped body, bloodshot eyes, red of anger.

These days I hardly get that way, I found more effective manners to channel my rage and aggression.

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03 Jul 2011, 11:16 am

hi all. hi joe90. interesting way to describe the feeling. accurate for me too.

outlook wise... im an optimistic person... mood wise however... i can leap from excited and enthusiastic, almost a crazed sugar high like situation (without the sugar). full of ideas. in fact... far far too many ideas to even begin to write down.

but when things inthe world seem to align against me (or im just tired from anxiety filled sleep) i can get so angry that i feel as if i'm using up every ounce of energy trying to stop the dam from bursting and unleashing a tidal wave of anger at anyone who gets in my way. obviously... being angry at something is fine. theres plenty of things in the world to be angry about (people mostly)... or at least... my reaction to their behavior.

Ive always had major problems knowing how to deal with /resolve my anger. in the last 2-3 years i actually got to the point where it scares me how angry i seem to get. a life of supressing it hasnt helped. now when it comes to the surface... its (as far as i can describe it... ) full-on sickening rage. can be so bad that its utterly debilitating. especially as i have no idea how to vent it without "going postal"

it never comes out as such... but its so bad at times that it feels like my head will literally explode.

actually, asked by the doctors during my recent diagnosis if "ive ever thought of killing myself"... i was quite honestly able to reply "if i was going to kill myself... i'd take a hell of a lot of people with me... to do the rest of the world a favour".

its funny... im actually know for being super calm and patient..... maybe it doesnt show on the surface unless i am alone.

oh... another thing i realised very recently... is that when i do start getting angry (about something tangible... not randomly) i sometimes growl and hiss. i guess its my version of a rattle snake... warding off potential victims.

people telling you to calm down doesnt help either. lol

weird. anyway... perfectly at ease today.
interested in other peoples experiences of this.
"stiffled rage"

peace and love


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03 Jul 2011, 11:32 am

When I get angry, I hiss at things like a cat. It must look either very scary or very funny - I've never watched myself in the act.

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03 Jul 2011, 11:36 am

I break down and cry whrn I'm angry.

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03 Jul 2011, 11:50 am

Icheb wrote:
When I get angry, I hiss at things like a cat. It must look either very scary or very funny - I've never watched myself in the act.

I hiss when I am angry or surprised or in pain. when I am very mad I am some what like a bull.