FearOfMusic wrote:
I say "How are you" but I really don't think of it as a pleasantry at all. Lots of forms of communication use this sort of thing, look at the TCP internet protocol, one computer sends a SYN (synchonize) message to the second computer, which then sends a SYN-ACK (synchronize-acknowledge) message back, then the first computer sends an ACK mesage (acknowledge) to finish establishing the connection. I mean, sure no one really cares how you are but that is not really the purpose of the question. Look:
Person 1: "How are you?" (SYN)
Person 2: "Well, you?" (SYN-ACK)
Person 1: "I'm well." (ACK)
All this does is ensure that a reliable two-way connection has been established in which each party can clearly communicate to the other. In the computer world, if this SYN-ACK protocol fails, either of the clients would know that communication wasn't clearly established and it would be pointless to send data. Maybe its easier to think of it in terms of a phone conversation, if the phone line is of particularly bad quality this "How are you" protocol would sort out the problem before someone wastes time telling the other person something that they can't actually hear.
But yeah, no one really wants a drawn out answer to "How are you" it is just a protocol for establishing that both people are ready and able to carry on a conversation.
...At least that is how I justify it...
I guess it would be the same as...
Person 1: "Can you hear me?" (SYN)
Person 2: "Yes I can hear you. Can you hear me?" (SYN-ACK)
Person 1: "Yes I can hear you" (ACK)
Except "How are you" has the potential to carry a little bit more information to the other person.
((12+144+20+3*(4^(1/2)))/7)+5*11 = (9^2) + 0